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buying except valorite barding deeds!

buying except valorite barding deeds!

Still a need for me although they don't help against PVP, paying 100k per if you have any left to dump.
Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

Too much, im my opinion they are worth half as much now since they dont help out against pvp, I bought 8 for 175k over a month ago but will not spend that loot on pvm only item, sorry kain!
Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

Revelations said:
Too much, im my opinion they are worth half as much now since they dont help out against pvp, I bought 8 for 175k over a month ago but will not spend that loot on pvm only item, sorry kain!

Hehe , np dude :\


Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

ill sell you a few for 100k each. im on a cruise right now but ill be back on sunday, if you still need them by then, ill sell

aim: maikeri

or you could try contacting paranoia021. tell him i told you to talk to him


Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

Too bad the cost of val ingots is still the same. I believe that 125k is a good price.


Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

you guys are crazy selling it for that low ... id drather sell my val ingots for 100 per and not risk failing or crafting a normal and having to resmelt .. and god forbid tack a little profit on there. 125k is extremely low and whoever is in the market should definately purchase pronto
Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

Right but some people have already made these and want to get rid of them, they are not a hot item anymore, supply and demand baby, it runs the economy. Cost of Michael Jackson;s CDS still cost the same to make but they don't sell for as much as they used too.


Re: buying except valorite barding deeds!

Revelations said:
Right but some people have already made these and want to get rid of them, they are not a hot item anymore, supply and demand baby, it runs the economy. Cost of Michael Jackson;s CDS still cost the same to make but they don't sell for as much as they used too.

that is an extremely low cost production/High markup item you couldnt compare it to Val barding deeds

The Demand change did not effect the difficulty crafting this item nor did it change the price of the rarest metal in UO. People should stay firm with original pricing schemes and not sell themselves short.

Really we shouldnt be debating this you should buy as many as you need from that crackhead selling for 125k