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denounces HZ illegal kill !

Mister Dank

Its also what keeps felucca dead and dieing, no new player wants to put up with that. Remember things that are fun at other peoples expense are only fun for half the people lol.

While I wont argue that sometimes it is fun to be an ass and do stuff like that, dont be the guy that does that then three days later whines on the forums that no one comes to felucca.

What keeps fel dead and dying is the general attitude of everyone to avoid risky battles and only engage when they have a nice advantage. If walking through a gate and getting killed and trapped overwhelms someone, they wouldn't even be here on UO in 2012. If someone's attitude after an incident like this is to quit instead of being motivated to seek revenge, then they aren't going to accomplish shit in fel anyway.

The root of the problem isn't that 3 fully suited and scrolled players trapped and killed some dipshit, the problem is that those same 3 fully suited and scrolled players choose that over an organized field fight against 3 similarly suited and scrolled players. Instead of competition they just want to "win", even if that victory comes over some fool that wandered through a red moongate.

If people actually had courage, the motivation to improve and the desire to kick some ass, would my offer of even-numbered field fights go basically unanswered for years? That is the type of offer I would have jumped on instantly back when I was first learning to pvp, and I would still jump on now, after several years. An opportunity to fight a skilled team of players in even-numbered fights, without getting my corpse looted and instead getting ressed at the end and a rematch offered? I mean if there is any team out there that is really looking to improve, why do I get no response? This, to me, is indicative of the fact that no one on this shard is interested in competition, they would rather just score a couple victories for some petty bragging rights and then log out before they get smoked.

While I can agree that the type of incident explained in the original post is petty and pathetic, I don't think it is the cause of any of the problems, but just another symptom of the shitty attitudes people harbor.


I don't know, I don't think its so much a case of cowardice as it is sort of the other side of the coin to the people that only want to win. Speaking for myself, as a trammie, its not that I'm afraid of dying in fel, everything I came in with is insurable, I stand to lose nothing but my time and some token insurance. The issue is that as a trammie its hard to find other trammies to do anyrhig with, let alone ones coordinated enough to venture into fel. I can roll in and solo a spawn on my tamer or sampire but neither are equipped to deal w even a scroll theif let alone a legitimate pvper. So to me, its not a challenge to do the pve part, and there's no chance of winning any sort of pvp encounter on a tamer w 35 fire resist or a sampire with fc1 fcr3 and a double axe. So it comes down to if I'm just going to pve why do it in an environment where I'm at the mercy of someones ghost spottig me and getting raided, when I can just go to a tram facet and drink beer while I farm gold to buy whatever I don't get for not pveing in felucca.

If I want to pvp I log on a more modern memo with match making built in, cause I work full time and own a home and have a baby on the way, its just too much hassle to try and wrangle the people together to break into the pvp scene in a 15 year old game when I can log into a more modern one at any time and join up into pvp instantly.

There's really no risk of losing anything for me so I don't think its cowardice, but with no chance of winning on a pve character there's not much fun to be had. And yea I know of I was more motivated the thing to do would be to gear a pvper but it goes back to me personally having little free time and more convieniant options in the form of other games.

Sorry about any auto correct mistakes posting from work on my phone lol


Honestly though I'm not sure how you could go about correcting that though. Uo is great and a unique game but by most modern gamers tastes its horribly outdated and missing a lot of quality of life things gamers take for granted now. Which I imagine is a problem that will only become more pronounced over time.

Im sure I don't speak for everyone that avoids fel but I'm probably not the only one that just plays for nostalgia and friends, but doesn't have the time to invest or the motivation to when there's a million other games that make pvp so much more access able to casual players .
I disagree, i'm pretty sure this thread went down on a man when you posted this garbage.

Seeing as you fanboy us in nearly every thread we're mentioned.
Only in your mind buddy. I'm pretty sure me pointing out your noobie ways in someone elses thread created to point our your noobie ways, is not me being a "fanboy". Save your delusions for something more productive. Like why you guys always die in even number fights, even to new people to the shard.. I see why dank can never get you guys to even number fight..
Only in your mind buddy. I'm pretty sure me pointing out your noobie ways in someone elses thread created to point our your noobie ways, is not me being a "fanboy". Save your delusions for something more productive. Like why you guys always die in even number fights, even to new people to the shard.. I see why dank can never get you guys to even number fight..


Only in your mind buddy. I'm pretty sure me pointing out your noobie ways in someone elses thread created to point our your noobie ways, is not me being a "fanboy". Save your delusions for something more productive. Like why you guys always die in even number fights, even to new people to the shard.. I see why dank can never get you guys to even number fight..
Hey just a question, Have you ever took Dank up on his offer ? I don't believe you have soooo if that makes Esk a noob you better get on the boat before you are left behind,