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I need some good movies to watch.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

I bet someone already listed these but....

The Boondock Saints

Fight Club

Good Will Hunting ( made me tear up )

Reign Over Me ( Made me Tear Up )

John Q ( Made me Tear Up)

American Gangster


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

CNS_McFly;411059 said:
This movie sucked. He never even inhaled.
Seriously, do not watch this second rate garbage.
The whole thing was an attempt to further a no-name comedian's career by claiming that he smokes a lot of pot, and that he knew a bunch of different celebreties... Absolute Crap.
Davey--Nothing personal, but pick a better "pot" flick.


my favorite "pot" flick

For the record I did enjoy "super high me" for a movie i just stumbled on instant netflix
Re: I need some good movies to watch.

lucky number slevin- watched it last week. its so awesome.
I like the new batman too. been the cinema twice to see it.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Watched batman last night but I didn't like it much. I actually enjoyed Wall-E more (Yes, I admit it).

For some reason there were more damn kids who were way too young at batman as well. Some parents are just ;/


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Well I have heard the 2 new blockbusters Wall-E and The Dark Night are meant to be great. I think people put a lot of expectation on sequels and we've obviously been let down by batman before (see: batman and robin and batman begins with christian bale).

I like black and white movies, british satire and art wanky films so to list my favorite films to watch would probably make me come off as some pretentious le mod la-de-dah :D


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

I like all types of movies including black and white movies, british satire and art wanky films, so go ahead and list them. I'd be interested.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

I really didn't love the new Dark Knight movie either, it was just the movie, I wasn't blown away at the end, I wasn't ready for more, I didn't need less, it just was...the movie. Know what I mean?


UO Gamers: Demise Admin
Re: I need some good movies to watch.

What a lot of people don't seem to get is that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight follow the storyline and darkness of the "dark" Batman comics instead of the crappeh laughable campy comics. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are without a doubt the best Batman movies ever. The first Batman with Michael Keaton was close but not quite there.

Some of my other favorites are:

Boondock Saints
Super Troopers
Pitch Black
Chronicles of Riddick
Ong Bak
Just about any decent kung fu flick...

Angel X

Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Try watching "Cast Away", "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford", "I am Legend", Any of the Lord of the Rings movies,"Dances with Wolves"( I dunno why I love that movie) But it may make you cry. I loved the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight" but I don't think that's a tear jerker type. I could go on forever, I love good movies.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

I wasn't that impressed with The Dark Knight. I think Heath Ledger was an outstanding Joker but I thought Christian Bale's performance was less than spectacular. I thought he gave a much better performance in Batman Begins. I also thought that the sonar thing was totally retarded.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Well, answering to the post:

First of all, I didn't have the time to read all the 8 pages of postings, so I apologize if any of these have been recommended before.

Just in case you're tired of hollywood movies, these are some good ones I've watched from other countries:

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374546/

Stroszek - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075276/
The Enigma of Kasper Hauser - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071691/
(The main actor for the two above is _______$%&#$¨&*%¨&*@%%%@. Just look at his biography: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0754165/)

Dancer in the Dark - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168629/

Behind the Sun - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0291003/
*To the Left of the Father - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0241663/
These two above are brazilian movies. If I had thought a little longer I'd remember a lot of other good brazilian ones, anyways... "To the Left of the Father" was the best movie I saw last year. Pretty hard to find I think, but you should give it a try. It's based on a pretty good poetry/novel by Raduan Nassar (originally titled Lavoura Arcaica, don't know about the translations). It probably rocked hard like this because that was a perfect adaptation from the book to the movie.
Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Aeolus;426567 said:
I wasn't that impressed with The Dark Knight. I think Heath Ledger was an outstanding Joker but I thought Christian Bale's performance was less than spectacular. I thought he gave a much better performance in Batman Begins. I also thought that the sonar thing was totally retarded.
I agree that Bale's Batman wasn't phenomenal (though it was still good), and there were some bad parts (the entire scene with the ferry was rather poorly done), but Heath Ledger's performance as Joker was so mindblowingly amazing that it makes up for any other shortcomings the movie may have had (which were relatively few).


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

The Host...

Troll 2
Sin Bad
the Nanny with Hulk Hogan
Spy Kids
Silent Night Deadly Night 2
Dr Zhivago


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

Hmmm I'm likely not the person to give movie advice (I'm a little odd) but movies I've really liked (for various reasons) are:

The Waterhorse
All the Harry Potter movies (in particular the last one)
Davinci Code
A Knight's Tale
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
National Treasure (one and two)
I am Legend (I'm the only person I know who liked this movie and I like it a lot)
The Queen
Snowcake (this movie is a MUST see for anyone who has to deal with anyone with an autism spectrum disorder. It's brilliantly portrayed. The best one I've seen dealing with this subject. I have Aspergers so I make a point of watching stuff dealing with ASDs)
Silent Hill
Hackers (I know, I know...but I love this movie :p)
Primary Colors
The Core
Deep Impact
The Day after Tomorrow
Twister (I'm an F4 survivor, this movie rocks :p They actually got the sound right!)

I'll stop now or this post will be 20 pages long lol.


Re: I need some good movies to watch.

aeonnadir;429449 said:
Hmmm I'm likely not the person to give movie advice (I'm a little odd) but movies I've really liked (for various reasons) are:

The Waterhorse
All the Harry Potter movies (in particular the last one)
Davinci Code
A Knight's Tale
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
National Treasure (one and two)
I am Legend (I'm the only person I know who liked this movie and I like it a lot)
The Queen
Snowcake (this movie is a MUST see for anyone who has to deal with anyone with an autism spectrum disorder. It's brilliantly portrayed. The best one I've seen dealing with this subject. I have Aspergers so I make a point of watching stuff dealing with ASDs)
Silent Hill
Hackers (I know, I know...but I love this movie :p)
Primary Colors
The Core
Deep Impact
The Day after Tomorrow
Twister (I'm an F4 survivor, this movie rocks :p They actually got the sound right!)

I'll stop now or this post will be 20 pages long lol.
Y'know, I'm with you on those... Not all are GREAT movies, but definitely fun movies.