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Is my Cu-Sidhe bugged?


I'm pretty sure I'm high enough in taming. In fact, I actually have another Cu Sidhe that will obey every command. However, the Cu Sidhe I'm talking about; he won't. Well, he'll obey the basic "follow me, stop, stay" commands, but if I tell him to attack, Even if I tell him to attack me, he'll just take off running as if he's afraid. Afraid of the monster (Or even myself) that he is told to attack. If you chase him around, he'll just continue running from you. But of course, telling him to follow you or to stay, he won't be terrified anymore. Anyone else experience anything like this?


Sounds to me like your cu has been a victim of animal cruelty. You will need to work with him every day if you hope to regain his trust. If you are patient and do not try to force him too hard he will eventually come around. If after a while his temperment and confidence does not improve you may need to consult with a cu whisperer who can help guide you through this process. Your local animal shelter or vet may be able to offer helpful advice as well... good luck!


Hehe thanks guys. He started coming around sometime after server reset so I suppose you can say that he's warmed up quite well now. I'd say Mytilus was right. The solution was not to smack him in the head with a newspaper and instead to be patient. He still runs away sometimes at the sight of several enemies on the screen, but that's understandable. Anyway, pretty sure it's all fixed now. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
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