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Jessica Ashely is June Playmate of the Month


She is beautiful but i hate playboy and everything it stands for. This is one of the greatest problems of modern society. We as a group prioritize the unimportant and beauty is a great example of unimportant. this sets bad examples for our future progeny. Little girls will try to be beautiful instead of useful because of this garbage.
Using vomit-barbie as a role-model and respecting her for it is terrible. She is gorgeous but worthless....I'd rather see a not-perfect woman with some intelligence and a degree than this blow-up doll... I would have no problem if society treated her like the stripper she really is. She's just top class sexual entertainment (which deserves little to no societal respect). An expensive stripper, period


yea so smart unattractive girls are unattractive. same said for men.

get over it lol
Noone said unattractive...I said not-perfect woman with some intelligence and a degree...I don't see anything wrong with beauty, I see something wrong with valuing it above more important (and useful) things...Ignore me, continue dreaming and jerking....
Why do you make assumptions that she isn't smart? Seems to me she's pretty smart to exploit men to get what she wants. Also, how do you know she isn't useful, more assumptions?
Chaos, simon makes a great point. You've assumed a lot about little miss Ashley, and I'm sure you haven't spent your entire theory of society based on assumptions you have of a playmate so I'd be interested in reading your facts and evidence of your claims.

Simon, while assuming doesn't help a debate, I have but one question for you. Would you consider this woman as a role model for your daughter? Or if you don't have a daughter, would you want one knowing she'd lead the life of miss Ashley?


Chaos, simon makes a great point. You've assumed a lot about little miss Ashley, and I'm sure you haven't spent your entire theory of society based on assumptions you have of a playmate so I'd be interested in reading your facts and evidence of your claims.

Simon, while assuming doesn't help a debate, I have but one question for you. Would you consider this woman as a role model for your daughter? Or if you don't have a daughter, would you want one knowing she'd lead the life of miss Ashley?

I never assumed she was unintelligent, but intelligence isn't a factor when selecting the playmate of the month, which is my problem with it. This isnt an attack on ashly in particular, it is an argument against judging beauty to be more important than other qualities, essentially lowering women to be sexual objects. Beauty can be admired, my issue is when it is held above more important qualities such as personality, intelligence, and integrity(to name a few among many). Beauty can be purchased for $50,000 cash, unfortunately personality cannot...


Why do you make assumptions that she isn't smart? Seems to me she's pretty smart to exploit men to get what she wants. Also, how do you know she isn't useful, more assumptions?
I never said she was useless or unintelligent,it's just that it doesnt matter if she was useless and/or unintelligent she could still be playmate becuase it is %100 based on looks (that one could purchase). It's just that there are more useful qualities to woman other than big tits, small waist, and a vagina...I could think of alot of uses for her, but only because I'm a caveman. Beauty is a passing trait, it fades with time..Personality imporves with age, like a fine wine...only wrinkly
you are linking societies views with a magazine cover, though.

also, personality doesn't always improve with age. We're still assuming I see.
And big tits, being fit, and clean vagina are signs of a healthy woman which is very important for selecting a mate, genetically speaking.

But I assume you want an ugly, unfit for reproduction but at least she can hold a conversation about mark twain or scientific theories, because we're assuming those are important.