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Threads about hz get deleted or moved

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Lifting weights keeps me healthy, therefore I will most likely live a longer life than you
You would think so. It's more about a proper diet. You can lift all the weights you want and still be unhealthy. Just because you are cut and work out everyday doesn't mean you won't have a heart attack tomorrow from getting your adrenaline running.
And the reason I am cut is because I live a healthy lifestyle, which means working out AND eating healthy.

I'm sure that 90% of the people that use these forums are the ones who would rather talk shit, eat shit, and shit out shit, than living a healthy lifestyle.

I do calisthenics that takes place of my cardio, and lift weights for maintaining my strength and technique.

Abs arent made by crunching 3000 times a day. Abs are made in the kitchen.

But @silvertiger I upmost agree with your statement in general.
Every one has a number that is waiting to be pulled, no matter how good of shape you are in.

I witnessed a wreck today in which someone was killed, involving the car which was in 3 car links infront of me. Anyone can go at any minute, but a healthy lifestyle can keep you at a better homeostatic state. Rather than someone who eats their ass off on twinkies and potato chips, and talking about how UOsteam sucks, day in and day out.


And the reason I am cut is because I live a healthy lifestyle, which means working out AND eating healthy.

I'm sure that 90% of the people that use these forums are the ones who would rather talk shit, eat shit, and shit out shit, than living a healthy lifestyle.

I do calisthenics that takes place of my cardio, and lift weights for maintaining my strength and technique.

Abs arent made by crunching 3000 times a day. Abs are made in the kitchen.

But @silvertiger I upmost agree with your statement in general.
Every one has a number that is waiting to be pulled, no matter how good of shape you are in.

I witnessed a wreck today in which someone was killed, involving the car which was in 3 car links infront of me. Anyone can go at any minute, but a healthy lifestyle can keep you at a better homeostatic state. Rather than someone who eats their ass off on twinkies and potato chips, and talking about how UOsteam sucks, day in and day out.
I'm eating a paczki as we speak and just letting you know how much you suck again.


latency is something most of you guys prefer to ignore bc you have that awesome 20-30ms ping no script can overcome.
No shit. Here's what an okay player [me] is like on 20 ping:

1. You win a ton of duels spamming fireball manually.
2. Those you don't win are against Bile, and it literally takes him 15 minutes to kill you even though you are only tapping Razor 'mini-heal/cure self' to troll him.
3. Everyone loses their shit and calls you a hackingscrubn00bscriptkiddiecheatershitbagfgt, including Bile.
4. You remember that you have to go home tomorrow and ping 200, and will lose your superpowers.
5. You cry just a little.
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Hz are basically the misfit clowns of demise. Running script to auto check spawns to prevent others from spawning. They don't even try to steal the boss anymore like the old days. All they do is try to kill you and prevent anyone from spawning at all. It's pretty sad that you see tactics like this instead of fighting over a spawn you get douchebag tactics like this. If they would spawn more they would lose more often than win, however, you won't catch them spawning with less than 20 people. They call one raid a win even though for every spawn they successfully raid we complete five more lol. They are swimming against the current it seems like. Then you have these magical moments where 3 players instantly client crash when recalling in to fight them. What a wonderful world the kingdom of demise has become. Fuckin staff need to pull their heads out of Hzs ass and refund my fuckin donation money.


Hz are basically the misfit clowns of demise. Running script to auto check spawns to prevent others from spawning. They don't even try to steal the boss anymore like the old days. All they do is try to kill you and prevent anyone from spawning at all. It's pretty sad that you see tactics like this instead of fighting over a spawn you get douchebag tactics like this. If they would spawn more they would lose more often than win, however, you won't catch them spawning with less than 20 people. They call one raid a win even though for every spawn they successfully raid we complete five more lol. They are swimming against the current it seems like. Then you have these magical moments where 3 players instantly client crash when recalling in to fight them. What a wonderful world the kingdom of demise has become. Fuckin staff need to pull their heads out of Hzs ass and refund my fuckin donation money.
here's what he's upset about

[12:14:20 AM] zulu2401: keep playing that game bitch you are wasting your time having your guys log in
[12:14:32 AM] zulu2401: we just leave from now on and watch you waste your time


here's what he's upset about

[12:14:20 AM] zulu2401: keep playing that game bitch you are wasting your time having your guys log in
[12:14:32 AM] zulu2401: we just leave from now on and watch you waste your time

What's wrong with being pissed about having 5 guys login just to stop a person trying to get new guys some power scrolls on a level 3 spawn


I'm not pissed. Just because you misinterpret the vulgarity of my statement because you have sensitive eyes and ears after your wife beats the shit out of you, don't think I am pissed. Disgusted is more like it. Disgusted that your filth still roams demise trashing every aspect of fun gameplay for demisen untouched by staff investigation. You're a dirty scumbag and everyone knows it aside from the piece of shit follower you have acrued and blind folded them with deception. I've always felt like nothing about what you do is legit and its beginning to show. The amount of bullshit you are your guild get away with is fuckin disgusting. You break more rules in one day that I have the entire length of my UO career and still remain unpunished. You are so desperate to hang on to the power you once had over this shard being the one and only unattested PvP and spawning guild you attempt to demoralize any way possible. So desperate indeed. I see desperation and fear in your actions. Fear that we are becoming greater than your shitty parasitic slugs of Hz. Your desperation glows When you bring young samurai Billy (owned 1v1) to test the unfathomable might of Zulu at destard? So much for your leadership skills when you watched him die 6 times. As for you escaping. What ever you are doing during pvp isn't legit. Can't call it skill because you have never possesed that and you have always been terrible at pvp. Standing behind your meat shields barking commands and now you are fucking zipping across our screen and doing shit we haven't seen since hotpocket was banned for cheating. You're a fuckin disgrace as a 'so called' leader.I eagerly await your defensive comments from anyone other than yourself. After all, your dick must be made of glitter with all those sparkles around Billy's lips. Anyone else care to defend MB while he sits back and laughs at the lack of intelligence his guild members possess (hence the target share script.)
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You aren't capable of anything but running in circles with the occasional wildfire and essence of wind. The level of ping you displayed at the spawn a few moments ago was unrealistic and simply put, if not certain, borderline cheating. I ping in the 30s and have a computer built for gaming yet you skip around our screen like you have zero latency at all.
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