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Summer Raffle


I was really hoping to get that bucs house, I hope whoever gets it puts it to some good use, if you are the winner and read this you should friend me to the place, Ill give that place some action > : ) or if you got a guild add me!
I was really hoping to get that bucs house, I hope whoever gets it puts it to some good use, if you are the winner and read this you should friend me to the place, Ill give that place some action > : ) or if you got a guild add me!

i agree, whoever gets the house better put it to use, or sell it to someone who will. We need a good and ACTIVE red guild to take place there, it will really help the shards pvp out.
i agree, whoever gets the house better put it to use, or sell it to someone who will. We need a good and ACTIVE red guild to take place there, it will really help the shards pvp out.

i would buy the house from the winner for a nice sum. then friend any and all reds to the house to pvp from.


LOL didnt even come close to winning anything with 43 tickets.That house needs someone whos gonna show it some love


Not really. Say there are 5k tickets on server. Id assure you eskimo owned about 3000. It all goes by who has money to buy the most tickets.


Not fun when the rich get richer and the poor lose money. and plus eskimo will not use that house it will just sit there ageless. just like it did b4.

And I wanted it!
I did!!
I did so.
I might cry.


hmm the point of the raffle is to get rid of money on the server. so in gerneral people w. more money to get rid of have a better chance yes... but doesnt mean you win. Plenty of "rich" players have lost in countless raffles/xmas... its not about Making money. If u want to make money.. then a raffle / xmas is the way to do it. sorry.


No. I just dont think the odds are fair. GMs say its even odds but eskimo have like a 77% chance and the rest of the server is 23%. haha
It's not like I would actually play the game to earn some gold to buy the tickets I want to be able to buy. It's so much easier to whine about it on the forums like a little girl and maybe the winners will feel bad and even give me their shit!