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  • To obtain new Razor updates, please reinstall Razor from our new website.

Title that is not in all caps


Well, since 96 you were a no namer and just now you became a decent player? Also, as i said in posts before this, i do not pvp now, i wont even arguee with you on that, my new internet provider makes me ping 350 avg., so i am getting new one soon as possible :) than we can talk its np.

That must suck to be you tho, since 96 and been on G&G, S1CK and now "Best", guess the next guild ur stepping is "Best... modified clients"


oh, besides the fact u tell people to go outside... living 16 years on a game isnt cool bro, btw, i am still waiting on the girls u bang with.

Your Mommy doesnt count!
oh, besides the fact u tell people to go outside... living 16 years on a game isnt cool bro, btw, i am still waiting on the girls u bang with.

Your Mommy doesnt count!

I have taken long breaks in those 16 years. One being a 7 year break. You are trying way to hard :/

Seven Jr

Using that bar would be no different from changing ebs to a huge ass green arrow you still need to know when to hit that target last key to make the heal drop.

You can all waste your time bitching about something so small as this or get back to the big picture of playing the game. The truth here is that mickey uses a art file that has a bar beside his FS. Who cares LOL. I'd rather fight someone who "cheats" than someone who actually auto heals/cures/syncs.

My client is unmodified. Razor, unmodified. I would rather people who play the game with the clients they are given without further modifying them to make it so they have an easier time playing than someone who tries to play the game according to the clients that were released and OK'd to play.

It is an edge, an advantage. It's even a cheat IMO, if you don't think bigger purple pots is a cheat then there's something wrong with you. Comparing that bar to making a green ebolt is not even the same thing.

Sorry bro, must mean you have something to hide too if you're defending them so die hard. All I know is anytime someone needs an advantage to beat me, I still win.

Load Heals

It is an edge, an advantage. It's even a cheat IMO, if you don't think bigger purple pots is a cheat then there's something wrong with you. Comparing that bar to making a green ebolt is not even the same thing.

^^ this
My client is unmodified. Razor, unmodified. I would rather people who play the game with the clients they are given without further modifying them to make it so they have an easier time playing than someone who tries to play the game according to the clients that were released and OK'd to play.

It is an edge, an advantage. It's even a cheat IMO, if you don't think bigger purple pots is a cheat then there's something wrong with you. Comparing that bar to making a green ebolt is not even the same thing.

Sorry bro, must mean you have something to hide too if you're defending them so die hard. All I know is anytime someone needs an advantage to beat me, I still win.

Ok so, how about this. I will install the original client, then when we will do 1v1 2v2 3v3 and 5v5. Then when I beat you, you will have no more, excuses right?

Load Heals

Astute observation here but watch Dylan leave for a uo break right about now, you heard it here first!

If I was in your guild in a direct role or as a meatshield I would be reading this, my skin crawling with cringe and both my palms in my face weeping silently, mouse pointer hovering over uninstall.
Astute observation here but watch Dylan leave for a uo break right about now, you heard it here first!

If I was in your guild in a direct role or as a meatshield I would be reading this, my skin crawling with cringe and both my palms in my face weeping silently, mouse pointer hovering over uninstall.

So basically you are just dodging my offer like I figured you would. Cool story bro lol


Listen mickey mundo... or mickey mongay, nobody here is trying to say you are bad, people are just trying to get you banned for having modified client which is clearly somehow a advantage to pvp. If you kill them people without it, than why u didnt have it at first place? would save much trouble for you.


hey mickey u said "better at every aspect of this game" again like ya ALWAYS do

u said "dodge" like ya ALWAYS DO

u called somenoe "chief" like ya ALWAYS do

u called someone "stupid" like ya ALWAYS do

u said "30-3" like ya ALWAYS do

u mis-used the "," like 15 times in 3 posts..... like ya ALWAYS do

your a broken record bud! get some new material.. shits weak

Load Heals

I would be very surprised if your 'friends' log on tonight (or whether you have their contact details still on skype, you might want to check that.)

Unlike you I am not too hooked up on pvp skill, my friends know I'm not the best and they put it down to ping and lack of experience like everyone else, difference is they like me for who I am and are happy with what I bring to the group!

What do you bring to your group? A fat pile of shittalk, a client riddled with cheats and an ego that can move mountains. GG sir, I bow to your higher tier pvp skills.