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ahahahaha try to fight 45 dci mage even with HLD.

miss, miss, miss, YAY HIT u lower they def- they run for 3 sec - lower def gone, miss, miss,miss. ....

ah and if u lower them to 60% and mortal they run too...
They wouldn't be able to out heal you even if you miss them half the time if the casting was fixed.

Also, the whole thing with being hld-proof by stacking 65 dci? Overpowered.

From what I understand, everyone thinks that I am complaining because "boo hoo! My favorite class is nerfed!" As a matter of fact, my favorite class, Tactics Mage, is one of the only viable classes for solo PvP on Demise right now. You people who want to sit back and ignore the problems, and then ridicule whoever politely asks them to be fixed need to take an honest look at what goes on in Demise PvP.


For me, being able to cure LP with every Greater Cure pot is much worse than mini-healing and Wind. Really - one pot and you make a whole skill useless? I mean there are a lot imbalanced thinks to be fixed.
Of course I don't expect any understanding - mages can wear that imba books, and still drink more than Charlie Sheen. Bows can be "BALANCED" - WTF?
Bows can be balanced, but shields and 2 handed melee weapons cannot.


Forum Member of the Year 2008
who is necrodog in game i need to know before i pass judgemeant on this argument?

Honestly it should not really matter who he is or what he does. It doesn't matter who you are, someone unknown to all could easily be the one to detect problems and issues with the game, as the most hardcore, reputable players, might very well be completely oblivious to them.

You opinion should be simply base on the information that this poster provides, versus your own experience, opinion, and understanding of that aspect of the game.
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why little noob complain about silly shit like this lol Yes Casting is Faster but alway been like this in demise and yes they should keep it like this dont get me wrong i also complained about the casting but now everyone can kill anybody and you also cries about SW the only issue with this is pixies wtf do you fucking cries shitty noob i bet you dont play tactic mage cunt


Forum Member of the Year 2008
Dear prominent member of Demise,

I understand your despair with the faster casting, I used to feel the same way as you do. Until then tho, I've managed to get used to it and accustomed to it. It would be most disturbing at this moment to have to readjust myself otherwise. Therefore, I would rather have it stay the way it is now! I do believe that everyone has a fighting chance in the field. Perhaps you should try a tactic mage for new fun and excitement in your game, that is really a challenging template to play!



The casting has been broken for a long time on Demise (if not forever).
People that "knew what they were doing" were still robo-healing via loops/modded Razors well before AssistUO came into existence to Demise. Assist UO was made legal so that everyone can do roboheals, it was supposed to increase the PvP by making it easier for scrubs to pvp and survive: "a level playing field" as they called it. What actually happened:
  • Trammies stayed in Trammel. They are still scared to venture to Felucca, and they are even more scared to learn a new program.
  • New players came to Demise, saw the PvP, and left to play elsewhere due to broken casting mechanics.
  • Old players left to play elsewhere due to broken casting mechanics

Instead of increasing PvP like UOsteam was intended to do, its decreasing our population: It's hurting the shard! Thats not what we want!!! Demise is better than that! I trust/hope the staff will address this issue.
@Eos @Ryan @Selene
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Dic Schwab

Everyone who says FC/FCR is not broken your lying to yourself. If you went to OSI it is clear as day that you cannot hold down your mini heal key, and if you actually see someone cast fireball ma on there as well let me know because they probably lost that fight. honestly people its something that should be addressed, because if you have not noticed a lot of the old players on this shard do not play anymore because of this issue.


i dont know about old players not playing anymore because of it, that sounds a bit presumptuous to me.

isn't everything except chivalry capped at 2/6 casting?

summon fey is broken yes... for loads of reasons lol. the mana cost's wrong, but the biggest thing is the pixie's magery skill, they are only supposed to cast up to like level 3 spells, on here they're flame striking you and shiz, plus the health is way higher than it should be. but meh, i dont mind personally, there is loads of things which aren't quite like OSI on here. stopping mages using their heal spam button would change the game for way too many people and make their main characters obsolete. that really would stop people playing :/

i think you're pvping wrong tbh, from my experience (which is admittedly very limited) the way to counter anything in this game is to have more people than they do, and get them attacking the same person. mage heal spam locks them up and counts for shit when you have more than 1 person attacking

as for steam... i dont know really either way, but it does make a difference.
i'll level with you, the only time i've been consistently interrupted trying to cast a 4fc chiv heal was by someone holding a steam button for harm, and i think it's simply because the interface for steam shaves fractions of a second off the cast time, which actually do make the difference. they literally cannot do that with razor.

but i just upped my dex to 140 so i can heal more with bandages to counter it. that's what you've gotta do, try to think of a way to counter it, not ask them to change the rules

or you can say if you cant beat em, join em. but personally i'd rather die trying :p
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i dont know about old players not playing anymore because of it, that sounds a bit presumptuous to me.

isn't everything except chivalry capped at 2/6 casting?

summon fey is broken yes... for loads of reasons lol. the mana cost's wrong, but the biggest thing is the pixie's magery skill, they are only supposed to cast up to like level 3 spells, on here they're flame striking you and shiz, plus the health is way higher than it should be. but meh, i dont mind personally, there is loads of things which aren't quite like OSI on here. stopping mages using their heal spam button would change the game for way too many people and make their main characters obsolete. that really would stop people playing :/

i think you're pvping wrong tbh, from my experience (which is admittedly very limited) the way to counter anything in this game is to have more people than they do, and get them attacking the same person. mage heal spam locks them up and counts for shit when you have more than 1 person attacking

as for steam... i dont know really either way, but it does make a difference.
i'll level with you, the only time i've been consistently interrupted trying to cast a 4fc chiv heal was by someone holding a steam button for harm, and i think it's simply because the interface for steam shaves fractions of a second off the cast time, which actually do make the difference. they literally cannot do that with razor.

but i just upped my dex to 140 so i can heal more with bandages to counter it. that's what you've gotta do, try to think of a way to counter it, not ask them to change the rules

or you can say if you cant beat em, join em. but personally i'd rather die trying :p
You're missing my point. There ARE ways to counter pixies/essence of wind/roboheals, such as mass dispel, paralyze fields, mortal wound, sync dumps, etc. but when you use the TRUELY effective stuff, the game boils down to a much cheaper version of itself than it was before. PvP groups now consist of 90% spellweaving mages and 10% support archers. I don't know about you, but I hate playing only a spellweaving mage for PvP.

We have been doing things that counter the cheap tactics, but that doesn't make the game any more fun. All it does is subtract most of the depth from the game, which I believe is worth taking some time to try to preserve.

IMO, casting is the one thing which should be fixed, because it is where most of the problems in this game's PvP stem from. Winders can cast all of their spells at 4/6 right now, which makes thunderstorm faster than clumsy. Essence of wind comes out SO fast that it is almost impossible to avoid, especially with the ridiculous 12 tile radius of the spell. If the casting was fixed, Spellweavers would not be the end-all characters to play. They would be more like support characters, which would leave room for other templates to be effective. And, of course, the ridiculous healing which nerfs all non-mortal classes would be gone.


You're missing my point. There ARE ways to counter pixies/essence of wind/roboheals, such as mass dispel, paralyze fields, mortal wound, sync dumps, etc. but when you use the TRUELY effective stuff, the game boils down to a much cheaper version of itself than it was before. PvP groups now consist of 90% spellweaving mages and 10% support archers. I don't know about you, but I hate playing only a spellweaving mage for PvP.

We have been doing things that counter the cheap tactics, but that doesn't make the game any more fun. All it does is subtract most of the depth from the game, which I believe is worth taking some time to try to preserve.

IMO, casting is the one thing which should be fixed, because it is where most of the problems in this game's PvP stem from. Winders can cast all of their spells at 4/6 right now, which makes thunderstorm faster than clumsy. Essence of wind comes out SO fast that it is almost impossible to avoid, especially with the ridiculous 12 tile radius of the spell. If the casting was fixed, Spellweavers would not be the end-all characters to play. They would be more like support characters, which would leave room for other templates to be effective. And, of course, the ridiculous healing which nerfs all non-mortal classes would be gone.
PvP groups now consist of 90% spellweaving mages and 10% support archers. <--- Not entirely true there is other templates viable to play.
but I hate playing only a spellweaving mage for PvP.<--- There is other viable template to pvp. I don't have spellweaving and i don't die instantly.
casting is the one thing which should be fixed<--- Ok if they fix your casting, wind will still be there. and it will still come out at the same speed since most don't disrupt a spell that takes 2 sec to cast.

Fixing the casting time will not change the speed of casting it will break the loops if the caster gets disrupted.
Wind casting time is as per Osi and the 12 Tiles is as per Osi

now lets say they fix the fcr and you get winded good luck recovering from it.

If you look back in the past many including myself was not looking forward to get spellweaving as we all predicted this. spellweaving is over powered even on Osi.

Please explain how you see by fixing the fcr that weavers won't be as strong, I haven't yet seen a duel where I get winded if I see he cast wind I disrupt his spell with a simple weaken.

You do realize that if you are in a group fight you could use 1 weaver to fight behind other class and even if you all get winded he also can wind the other team.

Now I will agree that the heals are insane, yes if they fix the fcr that it will be harder to heal.

My last question to you, If staff fixes your fcr you honestly think it will help you on the field against groups that use wind or mortal spam?

I just don't get it, I use greater heal as often as I use mini heals.


Gotta agree with Frost...I would only add there might be value in nerfing pixies a bit...but it's still not the end of the world if they dont; tons of low mana ways to get rid of them as well....whirlwind, hit area, a few different potions, etc.