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I rekt two tb on foot want to just show the shard how bad these kids are never come for a fight unless its a gank killed donatello on foot and his friend show time of LS on foot 2v1 and they came back on alts and die to me again easy style 2v1 on foot ez pz boys (Bad bola tamer and alchy stun)
J-Dizzle-1.png Showtime of LS-1.png


Look I understand you play normally as a 2 man crew with you and armani but really youcant talk about ganks when you roll 6-9 with alts aswell against 4 people
I just saying bro i never gank i am only rolling with armani thats the only player i play with so no one can call me a gank but i killed these dudes 2v1 and they come back on alts and still die ez pz


Snowbell, why do you lie all the time?

1. Jdizzle was there we killed him first, then you managed to get a kill shot on him while we were fighting. 2v2 ( he has the balls to fight on his factioner. ) See pic
2. You were on a blue harassing us because we already raped you 2v2, Armani took off running and left you like a bitch. ( see pic from 5 minutes earlier )
3. Yes, we got guard wacked because we killed your swampy in town, so both of us were new rezes with half our packs before you started trying to rez kill us!! Which is why you managed to get a kill on us while we were killing jdizzle... So keep picking and choosing which screenshots you want to upload bro.
4. Listen scrub, this is a game don't hurt yourself irl over this post bro.

Btw, don't you still owe Dwayne mills?snowbellmad2.PNG Snowbellmad1.PNG
Bro i am the ellite i know them screenshots are a gank because ive never died to you 2v2 bro when i killed you 3v1 kid and still killed your alts i got more screenies of you kids if youd like to see them mabe take me a few days to upload the amouth ive got of that guilded dirt dirt so many times
Keep makeing them excuse's up happy to take the offer of 2v2 for items/gold just let me or a gm know kid ill show you wreckage little boy