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Five on Friday #11


Demise Administrator
Does the staff have any sort of plans for what to do after full ML content is reached?

I imagine the time currently spent on implementing new features will instead be spent on fixing bugs in existing systems and running more in-game events and story arcs. There are no plans to implement Stygian Abyss, though some general features introduced during this era have already been added (like stacking seeds, the item insurance menu, veteran rewards) and will continue to be added if deemed compatible with an ML-style shard.

Are you considering taking on people to help monitor the forums?

Traditionally forum moderation in the Demise section has always been done by the in-game Demise staff. As such, we have no dedicated forum moderators. Though, offloading some of this work to forum-specific staff is an interesting idea and we will definitely look into doing this in the future.

As a player, feel free to keep an eye out as well. Below every post is a "Report" button you can use to alert the current staff moderating the forums. :)

To what extent do you and the other admin/staff see rule breaking on the forums as an issue (both selling and general discussion).

We uphold the rules set for the forums as we do in-game, where breaking of the rules will result in warnings, access to the trade forums being removed, or a ban on the account (which can be either temporary or permanent). The forum rules are just as important here as the in-game rules are in-game. :)

The most moderation-intensive sections are without a doubt the buying/selling/trading sections. Breaking of the rules here creates a mess for all parties involved (threads being derailed, turning into flame contests) which defeats the purpose of these sections. Though, upholding the rules here is just as important to us as upholding them in general discussion.

Are we going to get faction equippables and consumables?

Eventually, yes! These are part of ML and are scheduled to be added in the future. It remains to be seen whether we will tweak the items and/or system, as obtaining silver is significantly easier here with everyone having 4 accounts and being allowed to multiclient. Players have suggested making them equippable only in Felucca, for example, which is something we could consider. We are definitely not planning on adding these artifacts and making them trivial to obtain, causing the original artifacts to become worthless.

Which quests drop heartwood runic saws other than the stool quest?

In Heartwood, the runic saws are given by:

  • Stop Harping on Me (20 lap harps)
  • Arch Support (10 foot stools)
If you happen to prefer questing in Sanctuary, by:

  • Music to my Ears (10 lap harps)
  • Lazy Humans (10 foot stools)
All of these quests have a chance of giving a runic dovetail saw of any type (oak, ash, yew or heartwood).

Please direct any questions you have for Five on Friday to the question thread by clicking here