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racist slurs

Dic Schwab

sorry i guess a racist guild was going too far.. i guess the word that has Hellion/Kael- all up in an up roar about is said at least 10x a night in the chat when i was in there. I guess it goes to show that you can hear it one place and not get offended but see it in another and start the warpath. If you are okay with hearing it from Jeff or Zulu, then you should be okay seeing it in game from Peppa Pig. Just saying.. Play the game as it is, a game nothing more. Colorful little pixels that you like to collect. Who knows you might have some fun while doing it.

royal kapero2

Racism was a tool that was used by European Empires during colonization so they could break their moral resistance of killing people which resistance is a very natural thing for all humans. Example: Britannica soldiers at Indian Rebellion, totally wiping Sepoys out.

Since the colonization period ended I don't understand why any racism still occurs, it's like you leave your house and punch at face a random person.

Mister Pink

Since the colonization period ended I don't understand why any racism still occurs, it's like you leave your house and punch at face a random person.

Its still a tool used in modern times. In the USA its a political tool. Willie Horton ad circa 1988 comes to mind.

Its easier to control a lower/middle class that is divided.


I would smack your father because the mindset you display started at home. I have a sense of humor, this shit isn't humorous, its offensive.
lawl the mindset i have does not reflect the views my father or mother have. i am 22 years old, i can walk outside of my house and see for myself what is going on, i can pull up msn.com or the local news website and see for myself what is going on.. my parents opinion or mindset do not have any effect on me or my point of view.

eat me <3


lawl the mindset i have does not reflect the views my father or mother have. i am 22 years old, i can walk outside of my house and see for myself what is going on, i can pull up msn.com or the local news website and see for myself what is going on.. my parents opinion or mindset do not have any effect on me or my point of view.

eat me <3
They molded that shitty flesh in your head that you call a brain. They should be ashamed to know they made such shitty off spring. Some forms of life would kill their off spring if it came out as shitty as you did.


not sure what you mean about that.. i left because it was my own decision on not wanting to be part of a big alliance. clearly if you pvp you can see some thought went into that decision. V', VD, and whatever guilds you have also enlisted into your ideals. Besides MB does not rage and say he is going to miasma.
No you just wanted to be apart of the biggest shit fest there is. Even with the alliance we don't match the numbers.


That's highly subjective Kris, the numbers game depends a great deal on the time of the day.
I play mostly in the morning, EU time and during that period we are almost always outnumbered.
Maybe if we could compare the guild rosters in an unbiased way, but that will never happen.
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What did you say about my mother ?


No you just wanted to be apart of the biggest shit fest there is. Even with the alliance we don't match the numbers.
That's highly subjective Kris, the numbers game depends a great deal on the time of the day.
I play mostly in the morning, EU time and during that period we are almost always outnumbered.
Maybe if we could compare the guild rosters in an unbiased way, but that will never happen.
No one is ever on in either guild when I'm on. :/

Dic Schwab

No you just wanted to be apart of the biggest shit fest there is. Even with the alliance we don't match the numbers.
Reefer are you saying that each guild V' + VD does not match the numbers? seems to me your math may be a little off but i guess we can put that to the test... Ravex, Zulu, Reefer, Matt, Delirous, Alvin, Soul Survivor, Infinity, Galder, Lauren, Mr. Pink, Screech, Joey, Tokeman, Ghetto Smurf, Trevor, Kurrupted, Shake, Jeff. and countless others whom i cannot remember there names.. It seems to be you guys out number us almost 2 to 1.. Feel free to name off the Hz members. and see if it is even. Remember we have a lot of members from different places so dont forget to put the times when you usually see them. *Drops Mic*

Mister Pink

Dic you forgot to mention Magepoint (V'). When he summons a water elemental it changes the course of the battle. I haven't seen Joey, Screech, or Reefer log in Fel since I've been back. That's been about 3 weeks now. Granted I rarely play on the weekends so that's why I haven't seen Reefer for the one day a week he decides to log in. When your guild has 15+ people for a harrower event it tells me all I need to know. And that was prior to 3 of VD joining Hz. Hz outnumbered 2 v 1. Yes I give you that we can outnumber you guys now, but it used to be at lower percentage than it is now. Since the alliance we are at least equal on the times you outnumber us and vice versa. However what does that say about Hz that it takes two guilds to ally to match/ outnumber it on that type of basis.

royal kapero2

I feel like some people have no limits and do whatever they can to troll people. Could they be racist, sure. Could they also be trying to do whatever they can to insult or get under your skin. Definitely. I understand you probably get this bull shit in real life and hate experiencing it in a video game that's supposed to exist outside of all that. It's just one of the downsides of the anonymity of the internet. Use that anonymity to your advantage though. Don't let people know anything about your personal life and they can't use it against you. They can only guess or throw out blanket generalizations. I personally think one's personal life should be off limits when it comes to trolling someone on the internet. At the same time, don't give them any ammunition.

As far as the accusation that VD is a racist guild. That's an ignorant statement. This guild, like many others, is made up of diverse people, with different belief systems, from different countries, and all walks of life. I'm not saying you can't make a rl friend off here, but the main thing we all have in common is our desire to play this old game. VD is no more racist than any other guild on this shard. If the guild charter was, "we are here because we hate people of skin color X" then I'd agree with you, but that's not the case.
JAJA essay? Do my homework misterpink