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Mickey Munday Vs. Uonewb 1v1 For 10M


heh ok, that's some very old shit, but whatever...harp on the past lol. keep it movin bro=P

I would love to find someone on these forums who doesnt harp on the past... the classic post i see from damn near everyone is "i have been playing hybrid for x years and you have only been here for z years so your a noob!" the past holds facts. Just like that 6-2 2 months ago.... stayed the same after all that time remember?
yall didnt kill us, please don't act like u did lmfao..... we died to 2 tamers with dragons when we both lagged out.. we was in call.. both crashed.

Never said I killed you. We showed up and looted your broke ass. Never did I claim i killed you there. rofl. Do you deny your broke ass having to use lesser heals? Nice using like 600k worth on wands on me about 2 minutes ago ROFL. Someone jimmies got rustled.
It is okay. I know your motto... death and dishonor. Like the little bitch you are rofl. DUEL ME FOR 1,000,000,000,000 I will pay 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,o00,000,000,000,000,000 x infinity. Isn't that how you do it?


that was not a lightning wand but ok lol. look in any of those screens shots u have of our fights that night and see if i used a lightning wand, i even casted lightning in our 2v2=) even if it was a lightning wand, so? but i can assure u i wasnt using. peace