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5/30 Test Shard/Patch Info



5/30 Test Shard/Patch Info

Slayer Spellbooks
The extra properties on spellbooks
Exorcisim spell (and scroll and inclusion of it on loot tables)
Partial Rewrite of some of the champion spawn stuff for exorcisim spell and fixes below (and future support for other stuff)
Tweaking of general slayer code to make it easier to add new slayer stuff
Something else I can't remember
Pub 32.1 combat tweaks, (well, I did NOT include the 32.1 BUG that the devs said would be fixed in pub 33)

Fixes I can remember:
Disbanding your guild should no longre remove the guildstone
The house rune description (this is not a retroactive change, you'll have to re-make the runes for them to have the correct name again)
Can no longer recall/Mark/Gate or build a house in champ. spawn regions
Above but with the tokuno dungeons
The chances to craft necro spells was WAY off, now fixed
The Flute of renewal can no longer have fey slayer. any current ones that had that will automatically be assigned a new, random one.
Prolly some other fixes I forgot about too.

Misc changed stuff:
Server wars will now take place Every other day.
Saves are now 30 mins. apart as opposed to 20 mins

This will be placed on a test server. IP is the same, login.uodemise.com Port is 2345

login.uodemise.com, 2345

Please test the above stuff and post here if there are any problems. Should it all go well, everything will be placed on the actual server tomorrow or the day after.


Remember, please TEST this stuffs, that's the whole point of all of this :)


Well done Asayre8.
but is the Poison Strike bug gonna be fixed ? I think its very important bug but i cant see anyone to worry about it.


ASayre8 said:
Server wars will now take place Every other day.

Well i'd personally like to see no sw at all, just make a shard offline during this. Cause ppl wouldn't relly on sw to pvp.

Other than that, well i must say this is by far the best shard with the best staff. I tried many free shards and loose a lot of time on em, but they all went down. Thx for hard work :)


Using 7xSkill ball is a pain, "set skillname value" was much better, but disabled.

And stealth still not fixed, looks like it ignored.
hmmm, SW every other day, errrr server restart is still every day right?...

Ferris is gonna go crazy, now that SW is every other day....well alittle bit more crazy....

hmmm, saves changed... hmmm, dang...somehow, I feel safer with more saves =P


"Server wars will now take place Every other day."
why not just take it away, no sw at all instead ? so me and my friends have no reason at all to log on to demise anymore


Somewhat off topic, but I figured this was a good a place as any. Stratics lists Hiryus and Lesser HIryus as being vulnerable to reptile slayer weapons, which they are not on Demise. Think you could throw that in with all the new slayer updates, or would that be more difficult than it appears?

Great job by the way, about to log into the test shard to test everything out. I love to see an active staff that constantly works to make the shard a better place.


turkice said:
"Server wars will now take place Every other day."
why not just take it away, no sw at all instead ? so me and my friends have no reason at all to log on to demise anymore

What's your need for server wars in order to log in?? too pussy to risk your precious items even having insurance?


Drakull said:
What's your need for server wars in order to log in?? too pussy to risk your precious items even having insurance?

ummm incase u ddidnt notice so is there no pvp on demise other then SW
What will happen to the test shard? Will it become a New Shard? Or What will Happen to the money and stat for ppl earn in the test shard??????? :confused: