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A Challenge to [IC]


A Challenge to [IC]

i challenge you guys fight without tamers and bolas. i dont want to hear oh i can kill whatever way i want, yes you sure can. but i challenge you guys to fight with out the gay tactics. and stop generating bolas for yourselves, go work for your bolas


Project-Bill said:
and stop generating bolas for yourselves, go work for your bolas
wtf??? over half IC is players, how can they "generate" bolas? you down syndrome faggot. And about the tamer/bola thing i think i see 2 or 3 of the whole active population of IC is tamers.

Stop whining when you die, you fucking peice of shit.


Project-Bill said:
i challenge you guys fight without tamers and bolas. i dont want to hear oh i can kill whatever way i want, yes you sure can. but i challenge you guys to fight with out the gay tactics. and stop generating bolas for yourselves, go work for your bolas

I challenge you, to try and pull your head out of your ass.


Eeyore-PiG- said:
wtf??? over half IC is players, how can they "generate" bolas? you down syndrome faggot. And about the tamer/bola thing i think i see 2 or 3 of the whole active population of IC is tamers.

Stop whining when you die, you fucking peice of shit.

Stop being so hormonal Jarek...

Anyway, Its unlikely they will accept because they are all too busy having a verbal circle jerk on their mics.


Project-Bill said:
i challenge you guys fight without tamers and bolas. i dont want to hear oh i can kill whatever way i want, yes you sure can. but i challenge you guys to fight with out the gay tactics. and stop generating bolas for yourselves, go work for your bolas

Another noob that has no clue. Who are you again? Generating bolas? Is this ANOTHER accusation of cheating, please stop beating the dead horse, IC has proved to be 100% legit. I challenge you to get a guild thats worth some competion.

Betty said:
Anyway, Its unlikely they will accept because they are all too busy having a verbal circle jerk on their mics.

Yeah we missed you at last nights circle jerk and you promised you would be there to help me get off :(


Does anyone in here even know how to make a bola? And what you kill, and proper skills to make one? And all the materials?


derr me thinks its tinker wiff da leathr n bola balls like four which tinker make duhhh wif da leather from bull

OR [Create Bolas for IC 99999 Command


Eeyore-PiG- said:
wtf??? over half IC is players, how can they "generate" bolas?
lol can you make yourself look any worse? HALF you say.. HALF.. hence the other half are gms and have the ability to generate bolas. and challenge me to make a guild that can fight? its me and my friend and we duo.. we'd lay you guys out but its almost impossible to fight you when we get bola'd off our horses or get raped by mares. we do decent for a duo.. the only people that have given us a big problem would be PF, i know they are decent and they have shown they are. but the other people have been beaten by us or given us a decent fight. people that use bolas and tamers show no skill so its hard to fucking fight them


off topic for a sec:

Everyone who fucking comes on forums whining, hating on whiners, sucking up to gms, girls, whatever,

you need to take into account that we play a video game together.. its not humanly RIGHT to have a social fucking structure based on it.

What makes you cool in life is not having more than 10 million gold points in your bank, or being the top of the 1v1 leaderboard, winning a fight, or not.

what makes you cool is going out, NOT cheating, or being a general prick to the disadvantage of another player when you know you are taking advantage of them, be it speedhacking, or magically flying off screen when your hp goes low, or even simple shit like ripping people off.

people need to learn that its a lot cooler just to treat everyone with the respect that they deserve, understand that we are all human beings, whether you go out and kill them in a video game or not.

Ive been getting so fuckign turned off to player vs player combat in this game, mainly because we have this forum, among Spams from phirehawk the commander of my faction saying that my guild sucks and etc. Like.. fuck man.. get a life.. who gives a shit if you die, or if i die, considering they HAVE THE FEATURE OF BECOMING A GHOST.. you would THINK that dieing is something that happens

what, are you gonna go laugh at some dieing old people in the fucking hospital too? post that shit on forums? go punch them in the face and say OWNED BITCH 1-1.

if the shard lacked pvp talk in forums i understand we wouldnt know 'who was the best'..

but half the time the best people arent even the best in game anyways, or even the best as a person.. who the fuck wants to play a game.. A GAME.. full of people talking shit..

just squelch everyone, do us all a favor, take out the social aspect of the game, its way too fucking asinine.

sorry if this offends anybody, im just tired of hearing MDK sucks this, MDK sucks that.. if i actually gave a shit i wouldnt be in the guild, save the smack talking for your friends, or that old guy in the hospital who probably hates you from the look of you irl anyways.


@ Theory's Post: People just tend to obtain a major ego complex when doing anything...just more show up on video games becuase it's so competitive...


so you want people to stop using bola's in factions? whats next paralyze spell?

if you dont like the two three bola ganking tamers then dont fight them? just do what most everyone else does and recall. and saying we generate bola's is a joke, mining ingots and leather is uber hard let me tell you lol


id <3 to see a solo IC Just pvping sometime

that'd be kinda tight

Ive yet to see that unless you call krrios hitting his 1 button

"off horse, bola, all kill, back on horse fs" macro :)


Could care less..my 2 cents: I destroyed Savjo in glow and he chugged --> talked shit --> called IC and CiA to invis 4 mares and use a bola...tsk tsk tsk.

- IC blows....we know...move on...

- delta.


thats odd delta since i havent seen you in game since you were in ic ... ive seen tamer god once and ther was two of us and tamer god and his tamer friend trying to all kill us. if your going to brag might as well get your facts straight and try not to over inflate your epeen.