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A few ideas.


A few ideas.

Alright, flame if you want...but im really looking for either feedback or agreement with these ideas for factions.

1. Clean out the factions.
Some of the stones are near filled and people can't even join certain factions at times. The inactive players of factions need to be cleared out. I don't know how this may be done, but possibly those players that haven't logged on for a certain amount of time or those players with -6 points for 7 days should be moved off the stone.

2. Clear the point system and start over.
I am the only active player running around with 60+ points. I am proposing that all points be wiped and the ability to honor points to be disabled. I'm sorry, but point muling is the lamest shit. Just because you lose 7,8 or 9 points when you die doesn't mean you can't bounce back from it. Having high points is a shown way how active/good a faction player is and seeing how almost every kill nowadays is worth 1 point, it's just lame. This proposal is not to wipe factions completely...just the points.

Please attempt to stick to posts containing constructive feedback, agreement, or disagreement...and attempt to lay off the flaming, as every thread seems to turn into some flame war.
I agree with you about the point muling man, I do not like it either. I miss the days when you got a kill worth 7, 8, or 9 points. Now your lucky if you ever get 2.
However this will not stop some of these people with 15 accounts from putting 14 shitty chars in say TB and killing them for points because they cant get pointa any any other way. This to me is far crappier than point muling, but I see it going on all the time. This will continue to happen until something is done to stop it, or the staff starts putting out some really stiff punishments for doing it.
I agree tho that the "I Honor Your Leadership" should be taken out of factions completely.


Yeah, point muling ruins one of the major areas of factions.
Don't go so far as clearing everything out, its easy enough to see who the mules are if you look at the chars.

Afro Man

didn't we wipe points before? We can do it again, the only people who will care are the point mules, and no one cares about them, so do it.


I'm trying to get a feel for how much of the player base would like to see these changes...polls don't do shit on the forums especially when it comes to faction type stuff. I'd just like to know how many people would support any of these ideas, because i don't feel like attempting to get something changed if nobody will back me up.
Yea, and ruin for ppl who create a mule or a tamer for silver (like me). Stoping pt transfer is a good idea that i support. That or point decay like on OSI back in the day, this way mulers would have ot be on constantly to keep thier pts up. Only bad thing about ppl not being able to transfer means it will be guild fights only, like no more soloing cause ppl wouldnt wanna risk thier 5 or so pts ya know. Then again thats what factions is now, everyone making same name chars and pvping.


Son of Wanker said:
Yea, and ruin for ppl who create a mule or a tamer for silver (like me). Stoping pt transfer is a good idea that i support. That or point decay like on OSI back in the day, this way mulers would have ot be on constantly to keep thier pts up. Only bad thing about ppl not being able to transfer means it will be guild fights only, like no more soloing cause ppl wouldnt wanna risk thier 5 or so pts ya know. Then again thats what factions is now, everyone making same name chars and pvping.

I meant allowing maybe 3 factions chars per IP or something like that...not just one.


100% agreed, theres probably 5 people on the shard that are worth 3 or more points that actually pvp with that character, and 3 of them are probably in MDK. We're the only guild on the top 10 that doesnt have a mule, which is pretty sad.

Inactive faction wipe is a good idea as well, im pretty sure TB is still in the negatives for total points overall in the faction, mostly because of newbies who played 1 day and joined TB stone and got rez killed till -6

Another suggestion, although not directly relating to factions its still a problem in factions. Make bolas require a skill to use, when they first came out you needed tactics so it would still be incorporating a part of OSI UO and would really help balance out bola tamers because they would need to give up a skill (wrestling or resist) in order to use bolas.


i don't understand why pts bother you guys? Most are earned by those guilds, I would think unless they have alot of time on their hands to make new characters and kill them.

As for the limit to 3 faction chars ip, I don't agree because people do share accounts might put over the limit/ or limit access for them.

I do agree on wiping the faction stones however.
Point are the really only purpose for factions on this shard. Nearly no one cares about towns, and if it wasnt for points we would just be a 4 way order chaos thingy.


Southern Comfort said:
i remember seeing someone at brit bank and the day after they wiped factions someone had 70+ points already..

Yea, that's the other problem...people making 15 faction chars and killing them over and over. I really don't know why people have to be that fucking lame.