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abuse of power


abuse of power

I honestly don't like the idea of playing against who has a clear advantage over you. There is a player *who I won't mention the name, but know I am talking about him* who can take arbitrary decisions.
"You run as fast as me... you are speed hacking" - to me that only means ONE thing: if he runs like you, and because of that he is speed hacking, then probably you are speed hacking too (it is the thing I see), to say that. Players that can send you to jail, block your account and simply say: "You are speed hacking", shouldn't exist in this shard... if he can send you to jail, why would I believe he can't use [go , [kill , [res , [hide ?
Honestly, Ryan or psz, no players should be able to use of any privileges - if staff wants to play fine: as long as a player, not as a staff looking for pvp and pvm, competeing with normal ones.
Just saying Apokalyptischen is speed hacking because he can run like this other player does, doesnt mean anything to me... find another way to porve it, and stpo making arbitrary decisions in the meanwhile. That should be considered abuse of power... soon enough, if a player kills him in pvp, he will be send to jail, so he cant loot him :(


Well, I think that staff should not have any player characters on any shard period. However, since most of the staff on this shard actually run/maintain/pay for the shard, it's free, and they aren't making money off of it, they can basically do whatever they want and no one really has any right to bitch about it. Now, I have no idea what the person who originally started this thread is talking about, or if this even really happened. I'm just speaking in general terms.

Edit: Also, I honestly couldn't give a shit less about it either way.


Here's what REALLY happened:

No staff was logged in as a player.

No staff were using speed hacks.

The player in question (Apok) was running around at "too fast" a speed for a "normal client".

The staff member in question (who also has a player char to test things with) noticed this, logged on with his staff character (which uses body 987, the staff body, and can run MUCH faster than normal chars) hidden, and followed Apok around for roughly 10 minutes. During that ENTIRE time, Apok was moving as fast as the hidden staff member.

Short of using a speedhacking program, this is not possible.

Thus, Apok was speedhacking. And the staff member used the normal staff tools to verify it.

For the record, there are currently 7 staff members on Demise, 4 of whom are "very active" on the shard.

Of those, 2 have player characters (Myself of the person who caught Apok).

Without those 2 characters, stat gains would still be slow, many towns would not be spawned, Factions would not work, vendors would be highly inaccurate, and numerous other problems would still be on the shard.

If you feel that staff should have no player chars to test with (and yes, occasionally relax with), then I'm sorry to say you're SOL.

For the record, Apok was caught on two seperate occasions.


it was a mutual decison to ban apok by the staff i think. so far i havent seen any rampant cheating by the staff and i hope i will never see it.
Anybody who cheats on a server deserves what they get.

I do not see an issue with staff having player chars on here, FFS without teh staff this would not be here geezz.


hrmm Apok no one likes you and you have been proven a speedhacker if your ping is what you say it is then there is no way you should beable to run off my screen and keep up with theoutkastdev. So why don't you just stop trying
Surgat said:
I honestly don't like the idea of playing against who has a clear advantage over you. There is a player *who I won't mention the name, but know I am talking about him* who can take arbitrary decisions.
"You run as fast as me... you are speed hacking" - to me that only means ONE thing: if he runs like you, and because of that he is speed hacking, then probably you are speed hacking too (it is the thing I see), to say that. Players that can send you to jail, block your account and simply say: "You are speed hacking", shouldn't exist in this shard... if he can send you to jail, why would I believe he can't use [go , [kill , [res , [hide ?
Honestly, Ryan or psz, no players should be able to use of any privileges - if staff wants to play fine: as long as a player, not as a staff looking for pvp and pvm, competeing with normal ones.
Just saying Apokalyptischen is speed hacking because he can run like this other player does, doesnt mean anything to me... find another way to porve it, and stpo making arbitrary decisions in the meanwhile. That should be considered abuse of power... soon enough, if a player kills him in pvp, he will be send to jail, so he cant loot him :(

First, lets set a couple things straight.

1.) I never ran into Apoc. Never fought him, never got pwned by him or anything. I do not have a personal vendetta against him because i got "roxxored" by him. It's simply not true. The only character I've truly played is my miner, and he spends all his time in del, mining.

2.) NONE of my characters on my player account have any special items, privileges or hacked stats/skills/items. Yes I could, but as I've stated many times in IRC, I don't because I have what normal people call morals.

3.) I ping a constant 20-25ms to the uogamers server. I live in Houston, TX which is where EV1 ( server host ) is located. I think its safe to say my connection to the server is one of the fastest.

4.) I received complaints in IRC about him and investigated with my admin character. Yes, admin. I have admin privileges cuz guess what, RYAN CAN TRUST ME. I don't do little kid bullshit like haxxoring ppl, or banning them cuz i got pked or whatever.

5.) I ran a trace route ( cmd.exe > tracert <ipaddress> ) and it pointed to an ISP in Brazil. Its a 250ms ping for me to get to his exact IP. Yet, I spent 10 minutes running around with him and never once did I out run him.

How can a 25ms ping = a 250ms ping? Simple. Speed hack.

nuff said.


Cant script in a fix for speedhacks or something? never used them myself, dont know exactly how they can defeat a servers code :/


The anti-speedhack code prevents the client from moving a character faster than normal (checks of mounted or not, of course). The only exception is staff characters (which are allowed to move faster).

This prevents a large number of speedhacks from working, since the player may THINK he's moving faster, but everyone else around him will see him move at normal speed.

There are, no doubt, a couple of methods that circumvent this check, or make the server think it's a staff char, or whatever. In those cases the anti-speedhack code can't do much, other than send a warning to the console (if that).

In those cases, the easiest way to catch a speed hacker is.... Run around hidden following them for 10 minutes and see if they're as fast as a staff char. If they are, chances are they're speedhacking.