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Aliche & sun dried tomatoes pizza


Today I am going to show one of my talents: luxuries cooking skill.

Since I earned the Euro Pizzaiolo trophy (Lisbon 2007), I want to show you a delicious and luxurious pizza created by me: aliche & sun dried tomatoes.

My pizza is currently in a couple of luxurious restaurants in Lisbon and Faro, and it is very appreciated by high class people.

But even if you are not a high class person like me, you can appreciate this delicious dish, because it's not so difficult to find the ingredients.

Ingredients: cheese, aliche, sun dried tomatoes, lisbon olive oil, mediterranean oregano, basil.

pizza.jpg euro pizzaiolo lisbon 2007.jpg


oh dear...this troll has finally made a forums account
Just to let you know... I joined the forum not only because my fans asked me, but for a good purpose: CULTURAL CONTRIBUTION.

In all my threads I try to transmit some information and culture, since we have enough futile players here that does not understand it and call other people "trolls".

I support what you're doing, might actually make me start coming to the forums just to see. I usually don't even get on them anymore because they are so slow.


sundried tomato pizza? HmmmM not my first choice lol. You are an odd duck sir Kevin. This is a good thing, tho. 9/10 of the fucks on these forums are boring as shit

Btw what does the secondline on the trophy say? I cannot tell. The top line says "your lettering here".
Having eaten pizza in italy, having worked in a restaurant, and made countless pizzas from scratch, I can tell you there's no way this pizza won any awards. It's poorly constructed and not cooked well. Please try a little harder with the trolling, this is specious at best.


Having eaten pizza in italy, having worked in a restaurant, and made countless pizzas from scratch, I can tell you there's no way this pizza won any awards. It's poorly constructed and not cooked well. Please try a little harder with the trolling, this is specious at best.
lol I can see what you mean...looks hastily thrown together. Cheese overrunning he sides, uneven amounts of toppings. The piece at the bottom has only two of those disguisting shriveled up tomatoes. THAT would be the slice I would try, so I can pick off the rubbish and throw in garbage.

Personally I greatly dislike any pizza with an olive oil base. Need the tomato sauce for it to be good.

Olive oil base piizza is the kind of shit women order.....I don't think men order olive oil based pizza. At least none that I know.

My favorite pizza is REGULAR TOMATO SAUCE pizza, with pepperoni, sausage, jalapeno, and extra cheese. mmmMMMMmMmMmmm......


Having eaten pizza in italy, having worked in a restaurant, and made countless pizzas from scratch, I can tell you there's no way this pizza won any awards. It's poorly constructed and not cooked well. Please try a little harder with the trolling, this is specious at best.
Since you are a former employee, you do not understand about gastronomy nor pizzas at all. This pizza looks simple on lay eyes but you can't understand and you didn't try it. Just because you have made a lot of pizzas it doesn't mean you understand about gastronomy. Realize that you were an employee, not an intellectual. YOU are actually trolling my thread.
That pizza is very poorly constructed; the sundried tomatoes look like burnt pieces of shit because they were prepared incorrectly and placed haphazardly. The cheese is unevenly distributed on top of dough that was also poorly tossed and badly baked. Even the novice cutting job speaks of the inexperience of the person who crafted this.

Note the word 'craft' because that is what fine cooking is about: craftsmanship. Anyone with more than a superficial understanding of cooking and gastronomy knows the epicurean taste is slaved to skill.

Your fallacious response failed (unsurprisingly) to address any of the myriad faults of your 'pizza'. "This pizza looks simple on lay eyes but you can't understand and you didn't try it." Most of the best of good food is simple, ironically. I'm sure the ingredients are good, but anyone can go buy fancy sardines and cheese at the store. It takes ability and experience (working with food) to create something divine, even with nice components.


Anyone else wanna criticize my pizza? Join the queue. Don`t forget to create a better pizza and own the 2013 Euro Pizzaiolo Contest.


Anyone else wanna criticize my pizza? Join the queue. Don`t forget to create a better pizza and own the 2013 Euro Pizzaiolo Contest.
If I google image search "shitty sundried tomato pizza", will your pizza show up? Since it"s world famous n all


lol tbh don't even waste ur time with this troll...that's all he's doing is trolling lol. You're adding fuel to his pathetic fire ;)


lol tbh don't even waste ur time with this troll...that's all he's doing is trolling lol. You're adding fuel to his pathetic fire ;)
