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Anyone else have this problem?


Anyone else have this problem?

Just curious did they make a new rule about no macroing in luna me and a few of my friends have been killed out of no where and have lost stuff im just wandering if there is some new rule about no macroing?


Ya, there has been a sign on the wall forever.

But you wouldn't have been killed by a GM. Maybe it was those scary Luna peekays?!


or it sone of those people who go around releasing pets on AFK macroers and then re-taming the pet. set razor to take a screen shot on death


well my one friend was right in luna bank so he was difiently in gz so it couldent have pets but ill do that thing about taking screen shot on death thx


It was me

I'm the one who killed you...

We being in same guild forever, played on Covenant togheter and all that.

When i got to bank and you had Warrior man and Deckard Cain opening banks and trading items, opening bank again, withdrawing money all that stuff...

While all that time i was hey Dusty whats up, or hi, hey yo, i tried everything. You kept ignoring me, well i was ok, thats not him. Explo/Corp por, no more Warrior man... Very bad resists sir.

I have your stuff dont worry... Spined set, bandies and stuff. And if its your friend that was playing, well he is quite the Solo player, not answering no one at all, he didnt even say hi or anything. A nice retard if you ask me. Specially since i had the same guild tag he did, he couldve perhaps used is brain to figure out, hey that guy knows my friend ?

[Edit] There is a nice game, called Final Fantasy, there you can play solo and dont need to talk to anyone. Maybe your friend would like that... There are many more games you can play alone and dont need to deal with annoying people like me...
Get me on msn for your stuff... [Edit]


Wow Master Seb, sometimes ppl are busy doing a trade like he was.. I ignore ppl too sometimes just for the fact that I can't talk on msn, negotiate a deal, and talk ingame to other ppl at the same time while my gf is talking to me irl too :eek:

I would kill you on sight if you pulled a stunt like that on me.


Its not like i asked him once and then attacked. I stayed there for a while, thought maybe he went afk right after i asked, or didnt see what i typed it could happen. Even Jacin tried to speak with him and he didnt answer... From my point of view that person was emptying his bank and taking it all somewhere else.

Most of the stuff he was carrying is stuff i gave to him, and we are just gonna laugh about it when i give him the stuff back. We really did play a long time togheter, train character and stuff. Since Covenant actually... And i've heard so many stories about people stealing accounts and stuff that i jumped to conclusions.

Funny thing is the guy wasnt afk, he went in the mage room with the other character and stayed there, never went to res and get his body back. I got the stuff when the body was all bones, while guy didnt bother ressing himself... Its ok if you want to side with him, but i think it is odd that someone would leave his body to decay like that...

I'm not a bad guy :p

Ishein the white - Trammy old tamer
Sael - Mmm poison
Hayden - Music anyone ?


WarriorMan said:
Just curious did they make a new rule about no macroing in luna me and a few of my friends have been killed out of no where and have lost stuff im just wandering if there is some new rule about no macroing?

I'd kill you as well because its antisocial and just plain rude but its against the rules so i cant.. :p
Go macro and a town that is not busy like zento(tokuna town) or skara brea (i mention these because chances are high that you are lazy and wont want to run far)


lol that was my step brother on then but that dosent explain my necro mage lol and what appened to his lrc suit cause my necro mage isent i a guild unless my step was burrowing it and some reason had it on warrior do you have that by chance lol?

Edit: Yea ill get on msn today i was at my dad's from like wendsday till like monday so ill get on today


Who was the one that made a macro that said something like "Do not macro here --->" The arrow was pointed toward the sign in Luna saying not to macro there. Whoever did it was moved outside of guarded zone in Luna. I think it was one of the guys whose name starts with an M but I'm not completly sure though.


Psoinic said:
Who was the one that made a macro that said something like "Do not macro here --->" The arrow was pointed toward the sign in Luna saying not to macro there. Whoever did it was moved outside of guarded zone in Luna. I think it was one of the guys whose name starts with an M but I'm not completly sure though.
That would be me :) . I got the boot. Because it turns out if I said something more than once a minute it was spamming. But all those people advertising their shops were perfectly fine, aswell as the people macroing clumsy.


yea they have done that to me with fight night. i realized it was going fast thon and harder to read now its slow and u can read it fine but still i mean i see peopel spam there shops all the time way faster than a minute.


Psoinic said:
Who was the one that made a macro that said something like "Do not macro here --->" The arrow was pointed toward the sign in Luna saying not to macro there. Whoever did it was moved outside of guarded zone in Luna. I think it was one of the guys whose name starts with an M but I'm not completly sure though.

Hehe I did that but manually, not macro, and it was only a few times. Thats why you remember an M perhaps.
Master_Seb said:
I'm the one who killed you...

We being in same guild forever, played on Covenant togheter and all that.

When i got to bank and you had Warrior man and Deckard Cain opening banks and trading items, opening bank again, withdrawing money all that stuff...

While all that time i was hey Dusty whats up, or hi, hey yo, i tried everything. You kept ignoring me, well i was ok, thats not him. Explo/Corp por, no more Warrior man... Very bad resists sir.

I have your stuff dont worry... Spined set, bandies and stuff. And if its your friend that was playing, well he is quite the Solo player, not answering no one at all, he didnt even say hi or anything. A nice retard if you ask me. Specially since i had the same guild tag he did, he couldve perhaps used is brain to figure out, hey that guy knows my friend ?

[Edit] There is a nice game, called Final Fantasy, there you can play solo and dont need to talk to anyone. Maybe your friend would like that... There are many more games you can play alone and dont need to deal with annoying people like me...
Get me on msn for your stuff... [Edit]

LMAO now that is some funny stuff right ther.


Rhun said:
Wow Master Seb, sometimes ppl are busy doing a trade like he was.. I ignore ppl too sometimes just for the fact that I can't talk on msn, negotiate a deal, and talk ingame to other ppl at the same time while my gf is talking to me irl too :eek:

I would kill you on sight if you pulled a stunt like that on me.

he really did give him time to respond. was like 15 min. and said what he was doing with the guy standing right there.