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Are you stupid?


Are you stupid?

People hate paying taxes irl, What the fuck makes you think we're going to pay 300%? Are you stupid? Most be!

The only town that can possibly get away with that crap is Britain because of it's population.


junkie the reasons taxes are so high is because their is almost no silver in every town. This is due to the massing of guards in all towns. Also the poor work of most of the Finance Ministers who were assigned. I beg those who will be in offices like sheriffs and finance ministers to use the silver wisely. Do not think like MDK and some of the SL that silver of towns are unlimited. In some towns their are less then 60k. We should try and set taxes to normal and advertise faction merchants as a means of cheap products. This would not only help the uo gamers economy but help raise needed funds for towns if you want to have neat things like Guards. I also beg sheriffs to not out buy guards especially if unneeded. IE: Skara those guards were just ... well unneeded?

Afro Man

the taxes will be set to 300% until the towns have enough silver to defend a raid. Im sure that once the towns, excluding brit and mag get 100,000+ silver the taxes will be dropped.


Artemis, I realize this and it was my sentiments exactly. 300% sales tax is just stupid. A 10% tax is more feasible and people would be more adapt to buying things in faction towns instead of seeking out towns that aren't factions controlled.

Seriously, who the fuck is going to pay 2500+ for a damn horse. Come one. Be real. What we need is a guide for these brainless idiots to assist them in properly taxing the towns.
IIRC the taxes determine the amount the city earns, not the amount of buying. So leaving the town high, even if no one buys from it, earns silver.

So instead of having it at +100% for a while. They can have it at +300% for a few days, then -30% for a long time.

And if I'm wrong, then the finance ministers are dumb. Oh, and more than 3 guards are pointless. It takes 3 mages to take out 1 guard. So having 100 guards will not accomplish anything. The guards only really stop lone people from using the town. If they are organised, they just lure the guards out. The more guards only takes longer.


Alaskan said:
IIRC the taxes determine the amount the city earns, not the amount of buying. So leaving the town high, even if no one buys from it, earns silver.

So instead of having it at +100% for a while. They can have it at +300% for a few days, then -30% for a long time.

And if I'm wrong, then the finance ministers are dumb. Oh, and more than 3 guards are pointless. It takes 3 mages to take out 1 guard. So having 100 guards will not accomplish anything. The guards only really stop lone people from using the town. If they are organised, they just lure the guards out. The more guards only takes longer.
At +300 or even +100 people are going to goto other non factions controlled town to buy supplies. I for one tend to stock up in Papua or Delucia unless I happen across a factions controlled town where the Finance Minister isn't complete idiots.

What is really sad is this has become a standard. Think about it. What would happen to any state if the government jacked the sales tax 300%. I know exactly what would happen. Everyone would leave the state.

I bet a lower tax rate of 7% - 10% would earn you silver faster. I'm sure there are a few out there that just don't give a shit but I'm also betting the majority of the player base agrees with me.

Ghost Foo

its simple economics, the higher the sales tax the more REGRESSIVE the tax is. that means only the rich will buy certain products because they dont care about how much money they waste. If you take 90 percent or a little more of the population, they would be considered non rich. So you have less then 10 percent of people on this shard that the finance ministers are banking on (pun) to give them thier gold. heh yea thats smart

Another way to think about it is simple Marginal Cost/ Benefit analysis. this is a simple rule in that, not to be too specific, people will only pay for something that gives them a maximum effecient benefit in respect to the cost of the product. In other words, if someone desperately needed water because he was dying of dehydration, then he might pay 300 % taxes on the water. But, if a person is not in desperate need then they will not pay for it, go without it, or just buy it somewhere else where the cost/benefit ration equals out.

Now i would hope that thier finance minister is doing this because they want people not to buy from thier town in essence pushing them away. If so then they are doing a fine job but if not then they need to read an economics book.


This is so funny reading these posts.
I agree with not having only a few guards. But really, who cares? Stop being dumb, no one will ever care where you guys buy regs. As long as there is at least one town -30% and even if their isnt, not that many people "buy" regs. If you do, then quit your whining and buy from a normal priced town. ie Papua&Del
So junkie,
Shut up. no one cares. i dont know who you are. you all need to stop whining and play.


Lament said:
This is so funny reading these posts.
I agree with not having only a few guards. But really, who cares? Stop being dumb, no one will ever care where you guys buy regs. As long as there is at least one town -30% and even if their isnt, not that many people "buy" regs. If you do, then quit your whining and buy from a normal priced town. ie Papua&Del
So junkie,
Shut up. no one cares. i dont know who you are. you all need to stop whining and play.

And I'm sure you have no influence over any of this, right? Fucking retard.


Furota said:
And I'm sure you have no influence over any of this, right? Fucking retard.
I DID have influence over it and as you could see [if you have payed ANY attention to this matter] that when i got to minoc it simply had no money. So i raise it to 300% and made some money in a few days and then it was dropped down to -30%. And as i looked over this situation it seemed there was a bunch of whining. Someone whining over not having the taxes right in their town they enjoy shopping in. shut up furota ur a fag


Lament - shhhhhhh.

Taxes are high dor a reason, silver is needed. You guys don't help or contribute to factions in anyway (i assume) so stop ya bitching.


Stop my bitching?
As you can see this thread IS bitching. thats why i told the guy to shut up. I dont think its a big deal.
Wait. Minax took all of the +1 million silver in Yew and dropped it to 10K. Not only Sl's fault :)

Silver income has nothing to do with the amount of buying taking place. Because of this. Every town will go to +300% for the first 1-2 days. Then it is usually -30%. Unless there isn't a finance minister.

Reg vendors cost money. Make a choice
+100% for 6 days. Or +300% for 2 days.

Use MyUOG to find out the prices and if there is a finance minister.


Lament said:
Stop my bitching?
As you can see this thread IS bitching. thats why i told the guy to shut up. I dont think its a big deal.

I wasn't talking to you with that, iw as sjut telling you to "shhhh" Hence the new paragraph.


Alaskan said:
Wait. Minax took all of the +1 million silver in Yew and dropped it to 10K. Not only Sl's fault :)

Silver income has nothing to do with the amount of buying taking place. Because of this. Every town will go to +300% for the first 1-2 days. Then it is usually -30%. Unless there isn't a finance minister.

Reg vendors cost money. Make a choice
+100% for 6 days. Or +300% for 2 days.

Use MyUOG to find out the prices and if there is a finance minister.

SL are the ones who placed 10 of each vendor and a ton of guards and then told everyone the locations of said vendors