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Before making my faction character


Before making my faction character

before creating my faction character, what do I need to know?

how do I recieve points?

whats the point of factions?

anything else would be helpful.

your momma.


You receive points by killing other factioners who are worth points.

I guess the whole point of factions is to be able to control towns, set prices, ect. But mainly I believe its for the PvP, you will never run out of people to fight. You will also never run out of regs or armor or anything like that if you are good, because everyone carries pretty much the standard equipment on them all the time.

Factions can be really fun if you take them lightly, and look past all the whining and bitching that goes on. If you love to PvP and want loads of fights, factions are a good fit for you.


the point of factions is to kill newbies 3x10 then talk shit about it.

then challenge the newbies to an even fight which they will quickly decline if they have just ganked u 3x30


I remember it was good fights with you man, only People i really liked in minax at that time was you and spliff. Too many of them were Huge S*** Talkers :\

Afro Man

That's basically why i quit in the first place, also my experiences as CL were horrible, no one would listen.


Yeah i remember :| i used to help you guys guard on my tb char but no one got the point of me helping you so they all attacked. :\
chocolate.momma said:
before creating my faction character, what do I need to know?

how do I recieve points?

whats the point of factions?

anything else would be helpful.

your momma.

Kill other people for points, unless they have -6 points then you shall receive 0 points for their slaughter. Also, the point of factions is to run around like a pussy fag in a group of no less then five alchemy mages and one bolaing tamer. Then spamm any of the following: "Pwnt!, Owned, owned, ownd, pwnd, pwn, own, and etc."


ColdFire said:
Kill other people for points, unless they have -6 points then you shall receive 0 points for their slaughter. Also, the point of factions is to run around like a pussy fag in a group of no less then five alchemy mages and one bolaing tamer. Then spamm any of the following: "Pwnt!, Owned, owned, ownd, pwnd, pwn, own, and etc."

Dont cry cuz you got owned

Afro Man

Factions is all about PvP, it is the largest PvP grouping on the server, if you like field fighting and the occasional 1v1 then factions are great. People say its all about ganking, yes to a certain extent it is. If you find yourself losing to uneven number constantly join a guild that you can fight with. Only a few guilds go for kill points, others go for sigils which gets you kill points. When i played i got 80% of my points from guarding and raiding (i usually had around 60 points). There's a lot of whiners though, like ColdFire in this thread. They die once and the world is over. You have the ability to use alchemy and bolas too, why don't you?