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bonded ogre lord


Forum Member of the Year 2008
You cannot have a bonded ogre lord.

You can GET an ogre lord, with Dryad Allure, but you can't get it bonded.

So basically, you misinterpreted something that you saw, as it is not possible to bond one.


Yeah i know i can use dryad allure but i Saw bonded ogre couple of Time in luna. Just wanna know How It possible. Shapeshift dog from travesty? It work Here?


there was a bug on other servers with pet bonding food. is a possible way it actually might be a bonded ogre.


Forum Moderator
Staff member
Allured creatures definitely cannot be bonded here. It is possible it was Travesty's dog!

If you see it again you should Animal Lore it and get its stats. ;)


Forum Moderator
Staff member
What if you get it with dryad allure and use pet bonding deed on it ?
Doesn't work! Just tested it on the Test Center. (It specifically says "You cannot bond that.") Even the TC pet bonding gate does nothing.