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man training taming is boring. especially in ice isle where all u see is white. and polar bears. and a and w and killme, its driving me nuts!!!. well im only at 61.3 too damn long way to go cant wait to get out of there!


har har. i have 85.7 taming. i have had 85.7 taming for like a month now. im still not ready to get back to it :p


yes yes it does. well im glad to say im 63.9 now. AND with my +9 ring and +9 brace it brings me to like 82 WHiCH means i now have a frenzied ostard and 2 bake kitsunes!! WOOHOO! thanks mcintryant for helping me get the bake. (he tamed them for me and traded them to me while i attempted to peace them at 45 peace lol)

well im back at ice isle now and bored as hell again!


Hehe sounds like a drag, hang in there :) I started making a tamer but I just gave it up dont have the time or patience to. Thinking about starting one again though.


yea i know that feeling i madea tamer once gmed peace aming and musianceship started doing tamering i was like **** this it was just taking way to long mabey over the summer when i have months of nothing to do ill make one lol


yib said:
har har. i have 85.7 taming. i have had 85.7 taming for like a month now. im still not ready to get back to it :p
I can so relate to that :rolleyes: im in the same boat ay ;)

As per ice ilse it would be nice if people did as i did and killed there tamed animals..
its very simple..
Tame 1 animal
Tame second animal
Tame 3rd animal then release and all kill it with the others while you tame a different one..
But it seems that some people lack the brain power to do this.
Or they are just to lazy.. but i rather call them dumbdumbs :p