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Bows with DCI

Stuart lil

Does it server any kind of function having DCI on a bow ?

I dont have an all that deed understanding of the functions behind these stats, but i would love if someone would enlighten me :)


by just having a hci dci brace, wearing fey legs and a quiver... youll be almost max dci. so no use really, no. you can have so much better mods on your wepon... now HCI would be the usefull one, so u can wear hld glasses with ease :d

Stuart lil

Good, already made a few really neat PVE and PVP bows - unfortunatly not many slayer...

got around 5500 composites to make ;)


now if you wouild stop advertising here and get your lazy butt to luna and show me these great pvp bows... we would have progress :D
DCI on a bow is great for some templates. I payed a lot for that one but it rounds up my stats quite good :



well im looking for crossbow balanced hci hitspell/velocity ssi35+ :) cause i wear hld glasses. Already have regular bow balanced hci23 velo38 ssi30 :)


dci on bow is not worthless for a mage. you have no bracelet for dci cause orny. you probably need to run 1/3 hci sdi ring will probably lack dci. then you get 20 dci from feys and you should use the quiver of blight most of the time so at most if you have a really good ring you will have 30 dci ish. now is dci a must have mod on every bow? no, but it can be useful on certain bows and you dont have to use the same bow for every situation.
Lol you named your 'weapon' swallow........ And.....you kind of suck!

Dci on bow is worthless, FYI...
I am glad you think I don't totally suck, just kind of :) Morto is right this is a situational bow, I have 6 more weapons in my inventory that I use based on whats going on.
p.s if you like reading good fantasy The Witcher is great Polish fantasy . You will understand the meaning of the swallow after that.


I am glad you think I don't totally suck, just kind of :) Morto is right this is a situational bow, I have 6 more weapons in my inventory that I use based on whats going on.
p.s if you like reading good fantasy The Witcher is great Polish fantasy . You will understand the meaning of the swallow after that.
Who the fuck is Morta?
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