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COM AglessHouses


COM AglessHouses

I see come has there little Outposts by SL base wtf it up w ith it that one of them have a ageless houses

how do ya make house agless i see few com houses.. Afeless with house signs Com ..... that from gms?
DaGongeKid said:
I see come has there little Outposts by SL base wtf it up w ith it that one of them have a ageless houses

how do ya make house agless i see few com houses.. Afeless with house signs Com ..... that from gms?
Thats the most horrible english ive seen in a long ass time...
DementedJester a.k.a PotWhoCalledTheKettleBlack said:
It's the worst use of english i've witnessed since i listened to a Kamikaze track.

You're catching up to him, hoss. A few more spastic shits from that cock-holster that you call a mouth, and you'll be in the same league as the elite Ol' Dirty Bastard.
PhireHawk said:
You're catching up to him, hoss. A few more spastic shits from that cock-holster that you call a mouth, and you'll be in the same league as the elite Ol' Dirty Bastard.

That has to be one of the best insulsts i have heard in a long time. lol gj.


Those houses excist al over the world. Becaus if a gm finds a place to pick a fight it will appaer... trust me ive seen them pop upp where the lamer guilds had their homes.. So if you want more off them simply claim a area and make your guild famous in high lamness rate. Even managed to get myself a neighbour :C