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Corny Pick-up Lines

hmmm, what is corny?... lol...

(hmmm maybe this is the reasons I don't get girls...)

#1. Hello, I am Peter, How are you this evening.(Duh)

#2. Hello there, hmmm, *short pause, takes a look at her* I must say, you are one of the most beautiful young woman I ever met, yet, something in your eyes tells me that unlike most of them, there is more to you then just your good looks. I would very much like to find out what that is... hmm, would you grace me with your name?

(surpisingly....this one worked more than afew times... but maybe is because God hates me,when I actually used them...well, my target already have boyfriends...)


Thankfully I've never used these (not seriously, anyway)

Hey baby, your feet must be tired, because you've been running around in my head all day long...

Heaven must be crying to lose an angel like you

You shouldn't stand here in the freezer section... You could melt all this stuff (Thank you Steve Martin)

I've lost my phone number, can I have yours?

This one I did use, but on someone I already knew very well:

You have the single most kissable mouth I have ever seen... Let me show you...
(Yes, she slapped me... Not hard, and while laughing ;->)
I read this one somewhere:

"Do you wash your pants with windex? Cuz' I can see myself on them"

And my neighbor used this one several times:
"I want you so much un chingo to have your pedorro for my macana"


"what are you doing?"
"thats the ambulance coming to take me away because the sight of you stoped my heart"



Trucker said:
"what are you doing?"
"thats the ambulance coming to take me away because the sight of you stoped my heart"


from what movie?


wtf have u been reading? and why? just goto a bar, have a few shots of liquid courage and spit some game lol. why read about how to do it!! just do it!!! as nike says.

Sir Tristan

andyaction said:
wtf have u been reading? and why? just goto a bar, have a few shots of liquid courage and spit some game lol. why read about how to do it!! just do it!!! as nike says.

The intent of the thread was not for me to learn how to pick up women, but for the humor of reading bad pick-up lines.