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Crafting bows question


Trying to learn how to make good bows from runic kits.

Is there a way to not get the useless resist mods on the bows I make. I understand there are different mods and a RNG system that randomly determines which mods to put on the crafted weapons, but why in the heck would developers include resist on a weapon?

So just asking again, is it possible to craft weapons using runic kit (heartwood, yew, etc) without something like poison resist 12% etc on my bow?


make weapons... whatever type...

here is SLIM CHANCE Weapon dont will get resist properity...

crafting 100... get 5-10 weapons without some resist or shitting properity :)


make weapons... whatever type...

here is SLIM CHANCE Weapon dont will get resist properity...

crafting 100... get 5-10 weapons without some resist or shitting properity :)
k. since I am on the subject. For bows, or whatever I guess, is it better to make the weapon with normal wood than enhance with ash\yew (or whatever) or do you just make the weapon out of the ash\yew. The problem with enchancing is the chance to break the weapon.

Last question should I use a runic kit to enchance or just regular fletching kit. I'm obviously trying to make a good PvP\PvM bow like every other foo out there so I can get some gold :)