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death strike backstab


can any 1 clarify the formula for deathstrike and backstab? what are the formulas? some one said tracking is required to get max dmg on death strike. do i need tracking at 100 or just the ability to track to get the bonus dmg?


as per UoGuide

I was wrong you don't need tracking for death strike

After receiving a Death Strike, if the opponent moves more than 5 steps, or 3 seconds elapses, they will suffer Direct Damage determined by the attacker's Ninjitsu, Hiding, and Stealth skill levels, as well as whether or not the opponent has been tracked. The damage is capped at 50 for PvP.

Backstab does require tracking


yeah i remember when i did use tracking, so i guess they took it out all together. so i just need to know the formula for maximum dmg.
so for bck stab how much damage bonus does tracking add to backstab? and is it depedant on the amout of steps tracked or how hogh the tracking skill is?


For death strike, according to my tc tests, tracking doesn't affect damage at 120 ninja, but if you are at 85(the min to even cast) it adds 10 points of dmg. I would however never add 100 tracking over 35 skill points of ninja. As far as backstab, I invite you to go play on tc. :)