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Dedicated to Dwayne


Not this again.
It's obvious Dwayne didnt use cheats this time, because he obviously sucked
You won, gg end of story.

Final Fortune

You're still bad and no body care.

if he would post his screenshot of all your deaths this would take probably 10 hours just to upload.
Yea really, how long did that take like a year? I have watched dwayne beat you 10-0 MULTIPLE times. You guys should duel for a mil though. Be fun to watch. Also about your guild that owns everybody. Arw we talking about the guild that goes around telling everybody how much of a scrub you are? Or the same guild that was killing you and rez killing you over and over yesterday until you begged us to help you kill them? And then we started killing you over and over again? Cool story bro...


Screenshot of the year -