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Devs, Staff, Admins How hard is it?

Devs, Staff, Admins How hard is it?

How hard is it to run a lan shard to muck around on?

I cant code C or anything like that.

Reason I am asking here is because you guys know what your doing.

I have a second machine down stairs, and I was gonna have a play if its not that hard to set up a basic shard. Maybe one dungeon and a few AIs in town to stuff about with?

Or is there a Run UO Basic Shard I could download and play with etc.


not hard to setup really. but to change anything is sort of difficult. i would get pandoras box too. i think the latest runuo release doesnt have tokuno islands support though.


The hardest part is the players.

99% of players are fine and don't cause problems, it's the 1% that can and will ruin your day, time spent dealing with a bunch of BS, be it a DDoS, drama, ban evasion, spammers, IRC, ingame, it's that 1% that'll get yas down, and take up 90% of the time.

(Them aholes.)
Thanks guys :)

I am just looking at it for fun and only for me LOL nobody else on there it will be on a lan.

I will have to go read a lot :)


It's really, really easy. Basically you just install the software and start the server. Everything's done automatically pretty much for you. It's fun to play around with stuff on your own shard.


The only thing you'll probably have to setup is UOGateway to connect to your server, and I think "" works, or "localhost". Good luck!
Elf said:
The only thing you'll probably have to setup is UOGateway to connect to your server, and I think "" works, or "localhost". Good luck!

Arhhhh thanks for that m8 :) I was just over at RunUo and they are updating thier site, I will wait for a tad and get it when all the FAqs are there etc :)