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Disco Question


So right now im farming Swoop so I can try and get these greymist leggings to complete my suit. I have a random question about disco though. I know there sadly isnt any bird slayer instruments, but I do know there is that bird slayer tali. I have one but never use it. Does anyone know if I were to wear that tali, if it were to effect the disco rate for the swoop. Sometimes ill disco swoop in like 3 tries, then randomly it will take 20. If anyone has an answer, please let me know.


Bug Huntress
that bird slayer tali.

No idea if this helps


The Bird Slayer group is a Super Slayer to all bird-like creatures. This Item Property is found only on Talismans. The Damage Increase imparted by Talismans does not apply to magic spells cast by the wearer. However, the Damage Increase from both talisman-based and instrument/spellbook/weapon-based Slayers is cumulative, or stacks, subject to the 300% cap. This Slayer does double damage to the following creatures:



Yea I just read that Bama, its not very clear about it, it says spells arent effected by it, which I sadly found out after buying the dumb tali. But it doesnt say anything about the instruments.


Talisman damage is only applied with melee damage. Music is in the same category as spells.

You will gain nothing apart from di if you have a melee disco.