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Doers of evil, defend your honor!


Doers of evil, defend your honor!

The great SOS guild (Saviors of the Shard) would like to formally declare war on all of the evil guilds of Demise. We have declared war on the following guilds:

(EF) Excessive Force- Lord Rigby and his vile friends must pay for their crimes. Word has it that Rigby is the greatest pure mage in all of Demise, winner of the great tournament. Unfortunately, the citizens of Demise did not have SOS to go to at this time.

ATHF and PVP- Mastershake and his giant guild are a direct threat to the safety of this shard. Many of them walk the streets of Luna as if they mean no harm, be SOS knows better. Any guild that deals with the likes of the horrific Messiah must be defeated.

Any other guilds who have commited attrocities against the citizens of Demise, please post here and accept a declaration of war against SOS.

A history of SOS:

Dr. Love, philanthoprist and multimillionaire owner of Love Mining Co., has revealed his secret plans to drive out the forces of evil from world of Demise.

For 3 months, his 3 elite warriors have been training at a top-secret lair in the dephs of Felucca. It is now time for his plan to be revealed to all, and his elite army to be released into battle.

The mighty warriors of SOS (Saviors of the Shard):

Sir Tristan, The Warlord

His swordsmanship and parrying abilities second to none, Sir Tristan is the head warlord of the great SOS. He is a ruthless warrior, who will atack those who spread evil, no matter the numbers or odds. Rumors have spread accross the land of Sir Tristan hunting down the leaders of the forces of evil, such as the great Rigby and Messiah. Legend has it that both of them fleed once they felt the great power of his sword.

Sneaky Buth, The Mage

It was rumored for weeks that Sir Tristan had a powerful young mage apprentice. These rumors were recently confirmed, as Sneaky Buth left the depths of the SOS lair and walked the streets of Luna for the first time. Through the teachings of Sir Tristan and the funding of Dr. Love, Sneaky Buth is now ready to be led into battle.

Magnus, The Hitman

Once Dr. Love recieved word of the great Magnus, his recruiting began almost immediately. The influence of Sir Tristan, and the resources of Dr. Love have led Magnus to become the 3rd great warrior of SOS. Once a friend of the vile and evil Mook, Magnus has seen the light, and slayed Mook with his powerful poisoned blade.


The not-so-infamous Caleb of ATHF has fallen! With the adventurer "Priss" as my witness, Caleb has been slain!


Revenge is comming and ther will be no mercy from ATHF, next time we meet prepare to meet your doom. You will pay for this death..!!

Sir Tristan

Surprisingly, honorable terms have been negotiated, and ATHF has accepted the proposal for war. (As soon as they get their guild system fixed) Soon the mighty knights of SOS will ride forth to smite the forces of evil and drive them into their places of hiding.

After a vicious war against CU, SOS suffered grievous losses. Many times our knights charged against overwhelming odds only to be repelled time and time again. The streets of Luna ran with the blood of the fallen as battles were fought up and down its streets. The lesson learned? Sometimes ferociousness in combat and a willing heart is no match for superior numbers.

On that note, anyone looking for a guild may PM myself, Sneak Butch, or Pbguy and you will be discussed and weighed in regards to membership. We're trying to not let any bone heads in the guild that will pull crap like guild killing, breaking the charter of the guild, or stupid stuff like spamming PWNED! when someone dies.

Sir Tristan

Alas good people of the shard, SOS has failed you of late. RL responsibilities have kept us from our sacred duty, and no guild wars have occured in several days. However, if ATHF has fixed their guild system and is still willing to face the justice of SOS, we are now ready. The knights of SOS have prepared themselves for war, and are riding forth to deliver justice to the shard.

Whenever RL doesn't get in the way, it's time for an SOS............

Sir Tristan

You have to give me time, dangit! I don't post at night, I usually post during the day while I'm at work.

WAR! War has been declared with The Fallen guild. Much like the fallen angels of heaven, this guild once contained honorable members, but sadly they have turned to the path of evil. Last night during SOS's ongoing war against the murderers of the shard, we were viciously assaulted by an overwhelming force of Fallen mercenaries. Our knights fought heroically, standing their ground against the merciless onslaught like the brave warriors they are, but eventually the tide of corrupt blues and vile reds overcame our fearless fighters.

Now that the true nature of The Fallen has come forth, SOS has declared war on them. They will soon go the way of Messiah and be persecuted to the edges of the shard and beyond. Fallen, beware the blades of our knights, you know not the power of the righteous in their crusade against evil.

When The Fallen return, it's time for an SOS...............

Sir Tristan

On a side note, here is a list of evil doers battled last night:

Hellion-beat me in duel then helped kill me again later.
Redneck-good battle, but I think I would have won minus Hellion
Blue Dragon-killed me 3 on 1 with the next two people
Aline- killed me 3 on 1
Scarecrow- killed me 3 on 1........He was blue and I thought the battle would be 2 on 2. Didn't know him and Blue Dragon were friends.
The Fallen- Like 6 of them, I can't remember all of their names.

SOS fought heroically in all of these battles, but the forces of evil continually outnumber our knights. Aren't there any PvP players left on the shard that are blue? Isn't there a skilled player out there somewhere that is also tired of reds controlling Fel?

When apparently the good are disappearing, it's time for an SOS...........
Sir Tristan, I did not help kill you, I healed you many times while Redneck and Yoko was ganking you, I also took Yoko out and then Redneck and got G-whacked.


Well it was fun last night. Even though that "X field" thing could have gotten annoying really quick. Just gives me another reminder to start using pots and more dex items. Woohoo!

Atleast I had some fun.

Sir Tristan

Raezion- said:
Sir Tristan, I did not help kill you, I healed you many times while Redneck and Yoko was ganking you, I also took Yoko out and then Redneck and got G-whacked.

Ah, my mistake. I knew two people were attacking me cause of the damage that was coming up when I was being hit.

It also asked if I wanted to give you a murder count. I just assumed you had been attacking me as well.


Oh. How come i never see SOS in feluca? Only when 15 people aer at our house do I see you. How come?

Show up at brit feluca sometimes and show your worth!


Pila, are you possibly retarded? Believe it or not, Sir Tristan was in the path of that Texas hurricane - and he he a job + night college classes. Sneaky Butch has tons of college credits to go for. They do both have real lives.

And for me? Blame it on my computer. I haven't played UO for about 1.5 weeks. Dingus and Snell do know that I come to Felucca everyonce in a while. When I am not playing on Hybrid.