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Does the server save too often? (Poll)

Does the server save too often?

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royal kapero2

Nah, the mechanism of saves bother me. You see I have pvped since always and I know what's going on. When there is a save you cannot move but the effects you put, keep going together with save timer.

You dismounted someone, then there is a save. You are freezed, 20 seconds pass and the effect wears off. He is able to remount.
You wall stoned someone, then there is a save. 20 seconds later. All walls disappear.
Mortal, other fields, strangle, et cetera.

EOS owns me 100k for rescuing people with saves.


I don't mind the amount of saves, i am slightly scared every time there is a save though i'm like crap i dced... oh wait it's just a world save. But pvp... I hate looking at my healthbar and the surrounding reds and feeling helpless for 15 seconds longer than necessary awaiting that long agonizing death seeing the energy bolt on it's way to hit you with 3 of them loading flame strikes and the last one taunting you by casting create food...


I don't mind the amount of saves, i am slightly scared every time there is a save though i'm like crap i dced... oh wait it's just a world save. But pvp... I hate looking at my healthbar and the surrounding reds and feeling helpless for 15 seconds longer than necessary awaiting that long agonizing death seeing the energy bolt on it's way to hit you with 3 of them loading flame strikes and the last one taunting you by casting create food...
that is funny