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Easter Rewards


Post screenshots of what you found.
I found a Fountain Of Life.
Can't take screenshot now.



Darkside dye from dragon island by ruins. And Fire boots from doom.


I've only gotten eggs so far. Some normal-ish ones, and some that are a bit.. differently named..

An Easter Egg x4
A Strawberry Coated Easter Egg
A Creamy Chocolate Coated Easter Egg
A Curiously Decorated Easter Egg
An Easter Egg Soaked In Some Of Styx's Favorite Ale
The Easter Bunny Laid This Egg For You... No, You Don't Want To Know The Technical Details.
a pink ethy boura
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"A Curiously Decorated Easter Egg"

Yeah... ate this one by accident. Purplish/black hue. Serves me right for playing hungry.


Yeah, it'll say "A Dragon Egg" on Ctrl + Shift, I think. Then you click the egg and there is a present box inside of the egg that you click and grab your prize. But there's a baby dragon inside that will bite you, so be ready :p


Chokolate Bunnys are also a bit hard to find (found 4 so far....ona was paragon and in the end went under ground so I lost it)