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faction junkie

faction junkie

I quit playing uo when rowerscrolls screwed up factions (seemed wasnt anyone to fight). I like the hour long fights at bases. I dont mind guarding for an obscene amount of time. Ive gotten my feet wet on the faction seen as a brit and am not sure if it is the place for me. Some brits seem ok, not many on usually im jsut running from 4+ sl or minax, sadly only a few of you 1v1 in the field.

Anyway are there a lot of faction jumpers here? Has there been one particular faction that has controlled things for most of the time? Why the heck arnt wisps aggressive?



Cecil - When i played factions CoM were the best. Sadly, the 2 active CoM guilds (CiA and IC) have pretty much left. I know Andre still waves the CiA banner, but Erkle, Tiens, Jihadin and myself are all pretty much gone...

As far as now goes.. i've no idea about factions :p


On this server it doesnt seem to matter what faction your in.
Only thing that seems to matter is guild stregnth.
No one reps their fation no more and demented wont pvp 1v1 cause all his buddys are on SWG.
i think thats gay
He plays SWG too you jackass. In fact he plays more than 'his buddies.' And I never did see you alone either. You always had Nick and Zapper hanging off your nuts, so don't talk shit and 1v1ing. I know I never 1v1ed when I played, but I never claimed to either, and if I wanted to I'd be at the duel pits.


loller youre an idiot. I can vouch for Lament. I know he fights and I know he plays. As for you...you always were a pussy ass. Everytime I fought you, you either ran and hid or recalled. Now that you dont have your horde to follow you dont even log IN!!!
And for you demented.....lol? You are constantly trying to remind people that CiA and IC left and you were the greatest things to ever grace uo...well why are you still on the forum then??? If you're so great why dont you solo and show your greatness???