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For Lament:


For Lament:

This is actually more for the mount killers he posted a thread about.

Every time you kill somone's mount, a black man rapes your mom.

This was posted here becuase i wanted to get my 2 cents in before it was tram'd.


why the fuck was my thread trammed.
Thats ridiculous.
Its like any thread that the word Administrator or GM gets tramelled.
Fuck that.


first.class.mail said:
Ahh yeah like when I said how sad the Gms were because they suck at pvping so therefore they need to be 7x Tamers with 7x mares..That deserved to be trammelized.But not your because yours was a question not a flame to anyone.

The gm's are mostly all good or even incredible at pvp. They would probably prove it to you in factions, but little CUNT PIECES OF SHIT LIKE YOU WHO WHINE EVERY TIME THEY DIE ruined that aspect of the game for them.

This thread and first.class.mail's accounts all need to be deleted for the benefit of this shard, and further reduction of fucking stupidity.