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GG Guys

GG Guys

Would just like to post that I had a blast today at CoM base. We held out for quiet a while with most of us trying to duel and triple box chars. But anyways, to the SL and finally Minax that just overwhelmed us, GG. Look forward to more battles like that. To the few guys in CoM who actually showed up and helped. You guys did a great job.
However, I do have one negative thing to say. Snuggles is a dickweed. He comes in, checks and sees he is going to lose the CL voting, so he starts attacking us from behind. You are weak dude and a sorry excuse for someone who was actually trying to lead the faction. Even tho I did not vote for Catskills this time around, he or anyone but you will definately get all of my CoM votes in the future.
GG CoM, hope to be defending again with yall soon.

Ghost Rider


hh-executoner Lmao your ghost Rider?!?!? Hahaha ive owned you +3 timesi n the inn with your little panzy mares :( tell all your tamer newb freinds get some skills and come duel me, wank,and frenchtoast any time 3 on 3 with your mares bring it pussy.
Chronic420 none of your posts in here are about factions, which is why they were deleted. Each and everyone of your posts is full of flames. You get a 3 day ban in hopes that you can clean up your act.


It was fun and good to know that we caused "someone" to be out 100k and see a little momentary alliance between com and minax.

Ya'll put up a great fight.


Yeah was alot of fun. Hope to See a bit more people next time guarding for us. Thanks everyone for who put time and effort to holding it down for all those hours. ;)

I ask gms to please look into the guards running into com base, its very lame btw.
Yea thats gay guards can wander in, for both CoM and the town owner. It was fun attacking you guys, hopefully we see more raids and guardings like these from all factions.


I must have missed this whole guarding feasco. I only had time to steal the sigs, log off and hope for the best.

As for CoM having a good CL, I think its out of the question simply because noone is worth voting for. So far no raids have been called, we haven't had towns in 2 months, and most everyone just wants the title. Therefore I vote for noone because they are all trash until they proven different in the field. :(



If i was going to play i'd run for CL.
Unfortuantly my love of my Priest in WoW is > my UO adiction.


Big C said:
I must have missed this whole guarding feasco. I only had time to steal the sigs, log off and hope for the best.

As for CoM having a good CL, I think its out of the question simply because noone is worth voting for. So far no raids have been called, we haven't had towns in 2 months, and most everyone just wants the title. Therefore I vote for noone because they are all trash until they proven different in the field. :(


There were attempts at doing a raid a few days ago, on Sunday I think, and Po messaged the faction but only like 8 people showed up. Wtf is the point in having a 'raid' if no one is gonna show up?


DementedJester said:
If i was going to play i'd run for CL.
Unfortuantly my love of my Priest in WoW is > my UO adiction.

just out of curiosity, what server do you play on? ive seen priests do some pretty sick stuff