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look another homoflame?

not really

wanted to thank you guys for the epic battles last night was great fun made my night. hopefully will have many more to come.

ps griz bears were teh funnay!


Guys, that was some SICK fights. a very fun night indeed.

Best fight was when PF showed up, and it was a giant 3 way battle

also i <3 grizzly bears

oh and btw, Council of Mages now controls Britian and Magincia, among other towns. (PLEASE DONT BANDWAGON!) :p
Yes, that was a fun night. We tried what 4, 5, I don't know how many. But it was fun. We got close at one point but we ran out of mana and had to retreat and you guys were able to regroup. Excellent fight all around and kodus to your tamer using bolas, they were very effective. Hope to see you in the battlefield in the future.


Yes! It was great. I love the big fights. And I loved the challenge. It gave us a chance to really think and try to come up with some way to overcome the situation. Perhaps next time.

Keep it up. That was certainly MUCH MORE enjoyable than 1v1 crap in the dueling pits.


Wow a thread that actually doesnt involve flames, always nice to see this. About the fight, did anyone manage to record a video of the fight? Not really into factoins but love big fights.


I have... but honestly.. I find it boring compared to larger scale battles. Dueling in the pits has the advantage of not losing any of your stuff.. but that in itself takes away from some of the excitement. If you have nothing to lose, then it doesnt hold much interest for me personally. Also, everyone that wants to duel you always wants to set restrictions on what is "allowed", stacking the odds in favor of themselves. I dont see the sense in that. It doesnt really prepare you for dealing with what you will run into outside the dueling pits. It helps, I guess... but its not as good as just training against your guildmates outside the pits where the only rules are.. there are no rules. That is of course, only my opinion.

Dueling would be much more interesting if they did away with the ability to set anything or restrict anything.. it would be ok if no one lost anything.. I can understand that a lot of people dont like losing their stuff.. but it should be .. whatever skills you use, whatever items you use, whatever ever spells you cast.. is entirely up to you. Bring your best stuff and give it your best shot. If you recall out, you lose the duel. Again.. just my opinion.


yeah i had alot of fun out there too was real fun stealthing all the way in trying to grab and sig and stealth out while IC and GoD where battleing it out :D i managed to get brit sig all the way to the healers before being walked on and revealed...only got walked on because i had tabed out to aim for just a second...hehe was great fun


Uchiha~Sasuke said:
yeah i had alot of fun out there too was real fun stealthing all the way in trying to grab and sig and stealth out while IC and GoD where battleing it out :D i managed to get brit sig all the way to the healers before being walked on and revealed...only got walked on because i had tabed out to aim for just a second...hehe was great fun

hehe.. good job.


It was nice to actually see a GM out and about tonight. We tried to talk with you some Vile but I think everyone at the Delucia pit was fire happy when they saw you were attackable. Was actually pretty funny. Look forward to more fights with you all as well. Was a very exciting night in Magincia.

Guardians of Destiny


yeah i think i got ganked by 12 people and 4 mares heh

the only thing i regret about friday was no one was recording :(

i just got a registered version of FRAPS though, so ill make some videos soon. we might guard again this weekend ^_^ not sure


Vile Style said:
yeah i think i got ganked by 12 people and 4 mares heh

the only thing i regret about friday was no one was recording :(

i just got a registered version of FRAPS though, so ill make some videos soon. we might guard again this weekend ^_^ not sure

sweet. We will try to put a crew together and give you a good fight. Sounds like a lot of fun to be had.