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Going to miss my Tajar


:( I realized this morning that my flying squirrel hadn't drank any water since I filled it back up two nights ago so I looked through her cage today. She was curled up in a ball on the bottom of the cage. Apparently she had gone down to potty and was too weak to go back up to one of her many sleeping places. I am heart broken. Southern Flying Squirrels make great pets and are a blast to have, and she was one of the best.



yah. :( She died in her sleep sometime over the past few days. I hadn't gotten her out of the cage the past few days cause I'd been really sick lately and hadn't wanted her to catch the upper respiratory crap my husband and I had.... not sure if that's what she died of or not. We don't have the money to afford a necropsy, and I can't stand the thought of one anyway.


at first when i read that, i thought you said you forgot to give it water for 2 days and I was gunna be all up in your grill.