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Gta Sa

Gta Sa

Ok, Well I have been playing it ALL day. We finally got our copies in the shop.
Let me just say that this game absolutly ROCKS!!!!!



I really have my hopes up that Rockstar games will publish a massively multiplayer Grand Theft Auto...Once I beat San Andreas, I played it again this time trying for 100% hehe...then with a GTA jones still surging through my system I replayed the other two titles...

I hear that there will be quite a few GTA type games coming out in the next while- one of them being 25 to Life.


Cant wait.


Steve Jackson Games and OSI were planning on a CarWars/AutoDuel MMORPG around the same time that T2A came out.

It never happened, unfortunately.

Then another company was going to do it, and they went out of business.

Last I'd heard, SJGames were still looking for a developer that A: Had the resources to do it right, and B: Would let SJGames control the project.
Sorry took so long, been out of town on buisness.

Auto Assault from what I have read is the NEW name of the game, It is being published by NetDevil and should be out around the Fall.

As for Motor City Online, I played that game fromt he beta to the bitter end, and I LOVED it. Unfortunatly not enough people were interested in it, so EA dropped it. I have been Campaigning for the last 2 or 3 years now to get them to release the server code for those of us (about 600 that I know of) that still want to play it, but unfortunately all I ever get are standard mailers that say my request has been sent and I will get a response in a few days. Never a Response.
