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Help with 2 chrs please

Ace McPotts

Help with 2 chrs please

ok first question whay skills is needed to become a good faction Smith and what equipment do i need IE.. to make faction weapons

second whats skills is needed for thief to be a sussessful sigul retreaver

and what faction is in the most need of these chrs

thx in advance


To be a faction smith all you need is Gm blacksmithing and a town your faction controls. From there you take silver with you to that town and craft what you'd like.

As for the sigil stealer I would say stealth, hiding, stealing, magery, resist, meditation, and eval.


Faction thief
Magery Eval Int Wrestling Meditation Resist
Snooping Stealing
Or remove snooping for lore, to disarm dexers and steal their weapons :)