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Hi There..


Hi There..

Hi all,
Ive just joined UOGamers, training up my char's at the minute.. There is one reason I joined this shard however, which was factions.
Ive been playing UO for 4-5+ years now, still play on OSI shards, and play on Defiance also.. However, PvP on all those shards are next to dead now - Hence coming here, hopefully factions are a bit more like the old days here.

So, is there any faction guild that would be willing to help me get sorted out and trial me? Im a good group player, as I have been for years.. Better mage, but not a bad dexer either.

Dont need too much help getting started, pretty good at this starting from fresh thing now.. But either way, hope a guild is looking for a new trialist.


you might want to get use to the PvP here a bit befor joining factions, alot of stuff is changed, and you might find some stuff harder then your use too.


If you are serious bout playing this game and the factions...

---WARNING--- You will get shittalked and all if you join one of the more 'drama-queen' guilds. I'll make a short list for you.

Number one would be MDK, posting every victory they achieve which thus far has been 2 or 3.
Number two would be IC, they just play the game but get shittalked anyway cause they have certain staff members.
Number three would be P F, they get shittalked because they are good most of the time.
Number four would be DEAD, Donno the real name of this guild but its something with dead and leet speak.. just don't even bother.
Number five would be.. hmms yeah I think this is the list of guilds you do not want to join unless you are up for massive shit talking on the forums and in game. Off course you will always be shit talked in game, but hey just ignore that. If you want some real skill get yourself into factions solo, find some good pvpers to team up with who aren't -attentionaddicted- and make your own guild. Otherwise well... I hope you have a tuff skull :)


Hmmm PvP is dead on Defiance?
*ICQs LiGhT*

Most all of Com get grouped in with IC, including Tiens and myself, though we're memebers of a seperate guild.
*Waits for Tanis to post calling us parasites who leace IC's killpoints*
The other guild that gets shittalked alot is GoD, who have a cheap playstyle to compensate "lack of good connections".
The PvP here.... well, it's juvenile, every time soemone encounters soemthing difficult to deal with (explosion pots, bolas, tamers) they come ehre and whine about it untill it gets changed/ryan bans them.
If you were good on defiance or above average on OSI, you'll be reasoanbly good here, it may take you a little while to get into the swing of things.

Which faction were you thinking of joining? I'd suggest you watch faction pvp for a week or so while you get enough supplies built up, then make your descission based upon that, don't jsut bandwagon into the biggest faction, chose whichever suits your playstyle. Also bare in mind that guilds like PF, MDK, CiA, IC, DJs are quite hard to get into.
It also needs to be said, since you're coming from Defiance that the 6i6 guild we have here is not in any way affiliated with the guild on Europa.

If you need any more info feel free to PM me on these boards or email me at [email protected]