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hide 30


so if i only need 30 to hide and then stealth. is it posible to only have 30 in hide and use pots to invis and have 80 in stealth? which mean 110 skill total to stealth most of the time espicially in medable armor. of the time?
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so if i only need 30 to hide and then stealth. is it posible to only have 30 in hide and use pots to invis and have 80 in stealth? which mean 110 skill total to stealth most of the time espicially in medable armor. of the time?
30 hiding and 80 stealh is combinacion for PVM mostly shadown strike

30 hiding is need for be able use stealh moving
and 80 stealh is need for be able use shadown strike [ it is something like taktick 70/90 for use special attack ]

for pvp... 100 hiding... it is important not missing hiding
and 60 stealh normal enought, if use meditable amor are you will never reveal [chance reveal when use shadown jump with ninja... but is small chance {too dont sure about this at demise :)}]