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Hooking Mobs and retreating onto house.


Hi All

Is this allowed?
This guy is just hooking mobs to his house, runs inside and heals up, runs back out.

Char: Azachiel
House: Zerkaszus

Exploiting game mechanics resulting in serious detrimental effects.
(not overly serious) but exploiting?

Kind Regards
T. Pwent


  • Zerkaczus.JPG
    217.1 KB · Views: 46


I think it's okay? People use their houses to tame from sometimes, too, so I imagine if taming is okay, then that is, too.


Forum Moderator
Staff member
Intended game mechanics? It works on OSI too.

I don't think this counts as exploiting.

Unless it confuses the mobs so severely they stop attacking and their lootpack turns into ornies. (Let me know if this is the case, please. I could use some.)


Forum Moderator
Staff member
So does trapping a ghost with crates and candelabras
Which is probably why there's a separate rule for that here. ;) (As "no exploiting" doesn't capture it.)

On a sidenote, I wonder how OSI deals with ghost trapping. <_<


Bug Huntress
"no exploiting"
The fact that that person is killing things (the samurai) that can not attack him while the person is in a house that the samurai can not enter is not allowed on OSI

I'm surprised he isn't doing it AFK

The rune beetle is different because it can use magery to try and kill the person

I would look at if that house is actually in a place where a house can be placed


Bug Huntress
That's not exploiting that's griefing.
My point was just because it can also be done on OSI does not make it OK

It works on OSI too.
So does trapping a ghost with crates and candelabras
I can trap ghosts on OSI as well it doesn't make it OK to do

I can lure mobs to a house they can not enter or to a place where they can not attack me but I can attack them on OSI
It doesn't make it OK to do

I see players lure stuff to the shoreline then hop on a boat and kill them
That can be done on OSI as well but if said mobs have no way to attack you it is not allowed


My point was just because it can also be done on OSI does not make it OK

I can trap ghosts on OSI as well it doesn't make it OK to do

I can lure mobs to a house they can not enter or to a place where they can not attack me but I can attack them on OSI
It doesn't make it OK to do

I see players lure stuff to the shoreline then hop on a boat and kill them
That can be done on OSI as well but if said mobs have no way to attack you it is not allowed

In the solen hives there are certain walls that dread spiders can attack you and if you don't have the right skills you can't attack back. I think we should warn and after so many offenses jail those dread spiders. Don't you think so as well @Shino ?


Forum Moderator
Staff member
In the solen hives there are certain walls that dread spiders can attack you and if you don't have the right skills you can't attack back. I think we should warn and after so many offenses jail those dread spiders. Don't you think so as well @Shino ?
Yeah! And what about those boss monsters that attack you even when you're hidden? So much monster exploiting going on, but I doubt anything will be done. NPCs are probably on staff.

This post is sarcasm.