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how many point can buy war horse


Killing a person of a different faction gets you silver, the amount depends on how much the CL of your faction has the Tithe rate set at. There are tons of ways to make gold


kill whatever is orange - demons, silver serpeants, ogre lords, wisps.

I think you need 5 points to ride a warhorse, not sure thou.


Thank you all, as I know I can type "showscore", can see the score I got, but how to see the sliver and gold?


You don't need any specific number of points, just rank 2 (see faction stone to find out what rank you are.)

The Warped

Your faction player must be at least rank 2 (which is roughly 24 hours of faction term service and depending on the faction may be anywhere from -1 up to 5 points. Varying on the ranking % of your current faction, which you can view on the myuog section of the site.)

Faction War Horses cost 3,000 gold and 500 Silver.

Silver can be accumulated by killing enemy faction players, removing faction traps or killing their affiliated faction monster.

True Britanians: Silver Serpents
Council of Mages: Wisps
Followers of Minax: Ogre Lords
Legion of ShadowLords: Daemons

For more in-depth information concerning factions, you can visit www.uo.com or http://uo.stratics.com

Take care.


DementedJester said:
You don't need any specific number of points, just rank 2 (see faction stone to find out what rank you are.)

u can buy a faction horse at any rank just nee to be atleast rank 2 to ride one...