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I got owned by my hard drive.


I got owned by my hard drive.

Well a few days ago my hard drive decided to crap out on me, and as it turns out with many tries to get it back to life - I have figured that it is corrupted. I can't even install a linux distro to attempt to save my Drive's life. Heck, it couldn't even make a new partition.

So I am asking all those comptuer wizzes (Yes you, viriiguy.) to help me out picking a new hard drive. I am really really leaning towards This Samsung hard drive. It seems pretty fast judging from the reviews, and is quiet, too. So pretty much I am not asking to help pick one out, I am asking if it seems good.



if theres something you can do to help it in linux, just get one of them cd bootable linux's like mepis or sumthin.

i favor western digital but ive had a maxtor, segate and a samsung and ive never really had a problem with any of them.

though my old 20gb maxtor has 1 bad sector now, but its years and years old


well ive a friend having a problem with his large capacity hd. it was 200gb too. he divided it into 4 but that only made it crappier.
it may happen in self-built computers. i dont know tho
keep looking on net. i dont think it has anything to do with its brand. other than the possiblity of opposition with another enemy-brand piece in your computer. forgive my bad grammer