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I miss you!

I miss you!

My gosh, I never thought I'd miss all of you so much.
I am feeling better and I am able to walk/ not bed ridden anymore.
I spend my days burping cause of my acid reflux. The operation was a success and for the next month my diet is all liquid! I have been on liquid diet since the 25th :(. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Years. Also, I hope that you set some goals for 2006 and accomplish them. I will be back in PR in 2 weeks I hope.

PS. I got 14 staples and I need someone to scratch them for meeee!!!


Have I missed something? Why did you operate?

Ah well hope your feeling better in any case and that you got to celebrate christmas and new years eve in someway.

Yeah I worked that liquid diet aswell pretty hard during new years eve. :D


ya, i must have missed something. why didnt amnesia tell me she is going under the knife? :(

good luck on your recovery!

ps dont pull a quantos on us


she explained a few times in IRC, she had a digestive problem that is hopefully corrected now. I believe she should be back in about another week or so.