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Idea -ooc post, sorry-

Idea -ooc post, sorry-

I've been reading through the forums trying to get an idea of the roleplaying situation here. It seems that there are a lot of people interested in roleplaying, but it seems to be lacking in organization. I don't know if any of this has been brought up already because I didn't really feel like reading every post in every thread, so I thought I'd start a thread specifically for this. I'd just like to make a few suggestions. I got into rp when I used to play on hybrid, but I got into it about the time it started up big, and then lost my internet connection for several months, but I'd like to see something started like I saw over there.

1. A set of rules needs to be set for the RP community. Well how do you set down a set of rules for something like this? Simple. The established RP guilds, the ones that have been around for a while, and aren't going to disappear in a month, need to get together and write up a set of rules. Nothing big, but things like stay in character, save the ooc talk for guild/party chat, aol, ect. Also if you're roleplaying an orc, don't ride around on a unicorn. Only do things that make sense for your character. Another suggestion would be looting. YOu were only allowed to loot certain items, such as regs, bandages, ect. People are more willing to pvp each other if they know their weapons they've bought or crafted aren't going to be stolen. Also, pvp had to be initiated. You couldn't just run up and attack someone, unless your guilds were at war. You had to actually start the fight, and give them the chance to try and run if they wanted. There were several more, but I just thought I'd list a few. I'm pretty sure they're still posted on the Hybrid forums though.
Guilds would also have their own rules besides these, for ex. a vampire guild might want to require all it's members characters have the chalky white skin.

2. As for a RP town, it doesn't have to be an official town. I've seen this suggested a few times, but I don't know how it turned out. Get together and pick an abandoned town where everyone meets. Each guild could even pick their own town and have a main town. If someone's in the town you decide you want go to war with them until you run them out. Get creative with it.

3. Welcome all rpers, even those not in the guilds. I was an independent roleplayer, and it was difficult at times to get involved since I wasn't in any of the guilds.

4. Organize events, raids, quests, story lines explaining why you're going to war, ect. Show the gm's that you're serious about roleplaying on the shard, and that you've managed to organize it yourself, and after you've established a successful rp community ask for assistance. Eventually on hybrid they actually ended up with an rp town, where the guilds could apply to get headquarters, houses, ect.

5. Backstories are always fun. Bottom line, whether it's for your guild, or individual character.

Like I said, these are just suggestions, and I don't know how many of them have been discussed already, but I'm definately looking to getting back into roleplaying. Input would be great. Thanks guys.
Re: Idea -ooc post, sorry-

I would say the wolf clan is in there i would like to see you read the history thred. You are welcome to visit our village.


Re: Idea -ooc post, sorry-

can you give a location form moongate? Like north south east west. Im having toruble finding you guys.
Re: Idea -ooc post, sorry-

found your village. nice set up, but everyone seemed to be afk. one person finally came back and i got a hiya, and an I'm not the leader before they logged. But as I said, very nice set up.