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jamon y queso


jamon y queso

Seth909090: http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=2977771
Seth909090: http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=2977771
Seth909090: http://forums.offtopic.com/showthrea....php?t=2977771
Seth909090: http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=2977771
Lynyrd ftw: loooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Seth909090: ninja penis
Lynyrd ftw: wait
Lynyrd ftw: nvm
Lynyrd ftw: that isn't bad at all
Lynyrd ftw: out of the way when you dont need it
Seth909090: well
Seth909090: dude
Seth909090: what if like a chick pulls your pants down
Seth909090: and sees a 2 inch pecker
Lynyrd ftw: then you get hard and poke her in the eye
Lynyrd ftw: why would a bitch be pulling your pants down
Seth909090: to suck it duh
Lynyrd ftw: foreplay
Lynyrd ftw: or she's most likely your girlfriend and wont give 2 shits anyway
Lynyrd ftw: because more than likely she'll know that you're a grower
Lynyrd ftw: or you could just tell her
Seth909090: lol
Lynyrd ftw: or just let it be a surprise
Seth909090: pickle suprise
Lynyrd ftw: and stab her through the head
Lynyrd ftw: "Lol i can deepthroat this easily"-- AAAAACCCCKk
Seth909090: grugrlgrugrglfgu
Seth909090: that sound they make
Seth909090: that sounds like a chicken
Seth909090: guahguahguahguah
Lynyrd ftw: the throat smacky noise
Lynyrd ftw: loloolooll
Lynyrd ftw: gulk
Seth909090: gillikgulggkglglglg
Seth909090: gggggggggggdfgfglgklgkglk
Lynyrd ftw: and try to puke but have it get shoved back down by gigantocok
Seth909090: rofl wut
Lynyrd ftw: :[
Lynyrd ftw: i need to go spray urine out of my penis
Seth909090: hisssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Lynyrd ftw: him back
Lynyrd ftw: from spraying urine out of my penishole
Lynyrd ftw: into the toilet
Seth909090: imagine sticking a q tip into your p-hole
Seth909090: alll the way down
Lynyrd ftw: no
Lynyrd ftw: i dont think i will
Seth909090: imagine it
Seth909090: getting stuck to the inner walls
Seth909090: then pulling it out
Lynyrd ftw: no
Lynyrd ftw: fuck that
Seth909090: and basically inverting your penis
Lynyrd ftw: how bout having your pen0s sanded down with a beltsander
Lynyrd ftw: the head
Seth909090: yheni45nygrpiuehks4ebnklnmxcvvvvn
Lynyrd ftw: yeah
Seth909090: then someone holding a lighter up to it
Seth909090: the exposed flesh
Lynyrd ftw: salt
Seth909090: lime juice
Lynyrd ftw: lye
Lynyrd ftw: vinegar
Lynyrd ftw: motor oil
Seth909090: tabasco
Lynyrd ftw: gasoline
Seth909090: habanero peppers
Lynyrd ftw: a;cohol
Seth909090: peroxide
Lynyrd ftw: sand
Lynyrd ftw: powdered glass
Seth909090: odisrjgpoisdopigj
Seth909090: gds;lgsrtjioestrjfzxgxcnbljn
Lynyrd ftw: lol
Seth909090: fiberglass
Lynyrd ftw: ,mcbcxv
Lynyrd ftw: worst conversation ever