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Lag and Freeze


I took some time away from UO. Now that I am back, I am having problems with severe lag and freezing. It's not the type of freezing that pops up the glossy screen either. My characters simply stop responding. Sometimes I disconnect completely. I've tried deleting and re-downloading everything, and it isn't working. I'm certain it's not my internet, my internet is blazing fast. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Any suggestions?
Damn man, i don't know then. My friend lives in Ohio and he has around 30-50 ping.

Maybe someone has a better answer, sorry I couldn't help.


After the server move, we don't get proper disconnects with the checkmark gump. When everything stops like you disconnected, you probably did. Use the logoff button and try and get back in.


After the server move, we don't get proper disconnects with the checkmark gump. When everything stops like you disconnected, you probably did. Use the logoff button and try and get back in.
It happens to me about once every 5 minutes. I'm getting pretty down about it. If I am fighting large mobs, mining, or lumberjacking, it is worse.


The Sever Move = They did it for foreigners but all it did was screw the americans

(not to offend anyone calling them foreigners)

And that is the truth.

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I will be honest I may or may not have a higher ping (tbh ping was never an issue for me,) but I know that I have fewer disconnects. This being said I would like to thank Eos and Ryan for the move.


Unfortunately, shard move was very bad for foreigners. Chinese, Brazilian and some others guys have many problem with latency. My friends have stopped to play.